ow-vision is an AI to detect enemy on Overwatch 2 ! It can detect hero and their head and click automatically on it
- ✅ Detect enemy and enemy's head
- ✅ Detect any hero
- ✅ Trigger bot - click automatically on enemy head
- ✅ Fast - 20ms to detect and click
Made with passion, raggae and YOLOv8

ow-vision has a script to click automatically on enemy head (not allowed by Overwatch 2 so use at your own risk)
Example in game:
python /scripts/main.py
!yolo train model=yolov8n.pt data=./datasets/v2/data.yaml epochs=150 imgsz=736 project=/models/result/v2 device=0
# Detection.py
settings = {"toggleKey": "²", # the key to toggle the trigger bot, the square on the frame represent the state (red=disabled)
"cooldown": 1.1, # cooldown between clicks in seconds (only for mode 0)
"detect": [1], # detect enemy [0] or enemyHead [1] and [0, 1] for both
"triggerDelay": 0} # delay between clicking on the target in seconds, 0 is fine
The AI could detect bot in the training range