Releases: SModelS/smodels
Releases · SModelS/smodels
- Fixes in build info to prepare for conda-forge
- Fixed wrong imports, overlooked in refactoring from v2 -> v3
- Fixed pythia8 autocompile
Small bug-fixing release:
- Bug fix for printing signal region combination results
- New cluster algorithm (simpler and more stable)
- Made the pyhf backend configurable. WARNING: if backend specified is not found, we now fall back to numpy!
New version with extension to general SMS topologies using graphs
- Large code refactoring
- Added option for selecting which quantum numbers to be ignored in prompt results (see the ignorePromptQNumbers option in parameters.ini)
- Added outputFormat option to parameters.ini for switching back to v2 output format (old bracket notation); default is v3 output format (string representation of SMS)
- Output for EM-type results now reports negative log likelihoods, instead of likelihoods
- Changes in missing topologies (coverage): the grouping of topologies is now done only by final states and ignores the topology structure
- jsonFiles entries in the database now allow to specify also pyhf region names and region types (signal or control region)
- Enabled EMs for control regions to emulate signal leakage to control regions
- See ReleaseNotes for additional changes
Note that SModelS v3 should be used with database versions v3.0.0 or later
- added resummino cross section computer
- fixed bug in computation of error on muhat, for pyhf likelihoods
(affects mostly the numpy backend) - small change in initialisation of gradient descent method for computation of
combined mu_hat, to increate robustness of method
SModelS version 2.3.2
- fixed bug in initialisation of analysis combination
- smodels version now printed in all output formats
SModelS version 2.3.1
- fixed bug for reading QNUMBERS from SLHA files
- small fixes in how pythia6 and pythia8 are built
- small fix in truncated Gaussian llhd experimental feature
- small fix in computation of combined upper limits
- combinationmatrices are now forced to be symmetric
- added isCombinableWith method also for CombinedDataSets
- added a recipe for how to use a combinations matrix
- runtime.nCPUs() now returns number of available CPUs, not all CPUs
- xseccomputer now has --tempdir option
- StatsComputer now has CLs method
- changed default prompt width from 1e-8 to 1e-11 GeV in code
SModelS version 2.3.0
- fixed bug for an LHE input only with anti-particles
- fixed error that truncated signal yields when computing expected upper limits
- added minMass parameter for setting a minimum mass threshold for BSM masses
- fixed C++ interface to work with python 3.11
- bumped up pythia8 from 8.307 to 8.308
- SModelS can now track inter-analyses combinability at the level of whole
analyses as well as individual signal regions via a combinations matrix - added support for SLv2 (Gaussian with a skew), arXiv:1809.05548
- refactored the statistics modules, code ready for interfacing Spey
- introduced "full_llhds" database add-on (see parameters.ini file)
SModelS version 2.2.1
- fixes in analyses combinations, simplified and pyhf likelihoods
- small fixes for python 3.10
- bumped up pythia8 from 8.306 to 8.307
- included example on how to plot likelihoods from analysis combination
- small bug fix for particle addition
SModelS version 2.2.0.post1
- fix for Python versions <= 3.7