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SOCR HTML5 Motion Chart

Motion Chart is a jQuery plugin designed to render dynamic bubble charts and allows efficient and interactive exploration and visualization of longitudinal multivariate Data.

Motion Chart is supported by IE9|Chrome|Safari|Firefox

You can see a live example on or fork an example on JSFiddle--Todo.

Using Motion Chart

Motion Chart has two main views chart and data which can toggled using the radio buttons on the top left.


The Chart view can be divided into three main components: the SVG Chart; the Control buttons; the main menu.

SVG Chart

The SVG Chart contains axes, data blobs and context-menu.


Each blob represents a record in the current keyframe (eg. time frame) which can be changing by changing the key mapping.

To view the data associated with a blob simply hover over it for a popover. To select certain blobs to track simply click on the blobs and the category will appear. Note: if the category field is undefined "Data" will appear instead.


The X-Axis is horizontally on the bottom and its mapping can be altered by clicking on the associated label.

The Y-Axis is vertically on the left and its mapping can be altered by click on the associated label.

Context Menu

The context menu is an alternative to the main sliding menu. To summon the context menu right click within the SVG Chart.

Each dimention contains a Map option and relative dimentions contain a Scale option which work the same way as in Main Menu.

One additional option in the context menu is to export the SVG as an Image, this can be achieved by choosing 'Save as Image'. This will open a new window/tab which contains an image with the same size as the SVG, which can be saved by right-clicking and Save image as...

Note: if you're browser does not support HTML5 canvas this option will be disabled.

Control Buttons

Control buttons are used to navigate through the data using the specified key (i.e. time)


The Play/Pause button simply navigates sequentially through the data at the speed provided by the speed control.

After clicking pause the chart animation stops at the next key.

If play: true is passed at initialisation, the chart will animate automatically.

Unless loop: true is passed at initialisation, the chart must be rewinded after it has reached the end.

Speed Control

Speed Control defines the speed at which the chart transtions, i.e. the speed of the animation.

The value represents the time between 1 key transition.

The lower the values, the faster the animation. And vice-versa.

Key Slider (timeline)

The timeline is used to navigate to any arbitrary key with ease.

Skip Control

The skip buttons' single click controls a single step on the timeline (whether forwards or backwards). A double click controls the rewinding or fastforwarding of the timeline and chart.

Main Menu

The main menu is where the mappings and scalings can be changed.

			| Key		    | X-Axis			| Y-Axis			| Size				| Color				| Category

----------------|---------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|---------------- mapping | Column Name | Column Name | Column Name | Column Name | Column Name | Column Name scaling | | Scale Type | Scale Type | Scale Type | Scale Type | color map | | | | | color |



The data view consists only of an editible excel-like spreadsheet that holds the data being visualised. Within the spreadsheet you may cut/copy/paste/delete as you would with a normal spreadsheet. You may also right click view options to insert/remove rows/columns.

Please note that the graph is updated automatically as the spreadsheet is edited which may slow for large amounts of data. It is recommended to edit tables (for major edits) outside the application

Calling Motion Chart

First, include all the dependencies:

<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">  
<link href="css/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
<link href="css/jquery.handsontable.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/jquery.motionchart.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/jquery.contextMenu.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/dependencies.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.handsontable.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.motionchart.js"></script>

Run motionchart() on an empty div to initialise a motionchart with default settings.

Or pass options when calling the constructor for a customised instance.

							title: "My Demo",
							mappings: {key: 1, x: 2, y: 3, size: 5, color: 4, category: 0},
							colorPalette: {	"Blue-Red": {from: "rgb(0,0,255)", to: "rgb(255,0,0)"}},
							color: "Blue-Red"


MotionChart-v3.1 - First official public release.


Option Role Description
motionchart(options) Constructor Accepts optional configuration object. See Options.
motionchart('title',myTitle) Method Updates the title.
motionchart('data',myData) Method Loads new data into data table and updates the chart components accordingly.
motionchart('destroy') Method Destructs the motion chart instance, recommended to free up memory.


The table below presents configuration options that are interpreted by motionchart() constructor:

Option Type Default Description
title String SOCR HTML5 Motion Chart Defines the initial title
data Object see Data Initial data loaded in the chart and data table
minWidth Number 700 Minimum width in pixels the users can shrink the instance to. Note: A value too small could cause the instance to lose it's structure.
minHeight Number 300 Minimum height in pixels the users can shrink the instance to. Note: A value too small could cause the instance to lose it's structure.
speed Number 3000 Initial speed of the speed slider. Note: Value must be between 1000 and 6000.
colorPalette Object see colorPalette Defines the color palette for the user to choose from.
color String Red-Blue Defines the circles' initial color gradient. Note: The value has to be from the set of keys in colorPalette.
mappings Object {key:0, x:1, y:2, size:3, color:4, category:0} Defines the mapping from chart component to data column. See Mappings and Scalings.
scalings Object {x:"linear", y:"linear", size:"linear", color:"linear"} Defines the initial scaling settings for the chart components. See Mappings and Scalings.
play Boolean false If true, the animation start when the app is loaded, otherwise the animation has to be started manually.
loop Boolean false If true, the animation will loop forever, otherwise the animation will stop at the end of the timeline.


The Data passed can be any table/spreadsheet formatted as a nested array. The data is inserted in the data table and reflected in the chart.

The data should have the following structure.

	[ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ... , ColumnNameN],
	[Row1Value1, Row1Value2, ... , Row1ValueN],
	[Row2Value1, Row2Value2, ... , Row2ValueN],
	...										,
	[RowNValue1, RowNValue2, ... , RowNValueN]

The default option, taken from Warpech's handsontable, is

	["Year", "Kia", "Nissan", "Toyota", "Honda"],
	["2008", 10, 11, 12, 13],
	["2009", 20, 11, 14, 13],
	["2010", 30, 15, 12, 13]

Color and ColorPalette

Color Palette is an extensible Object that pre-defines color gradients from which the user can choose.

The color gradients are used as scale to represent the difference/similarity between circles' values.

Color is simply a key name for one of the values in colorPalette.

The colorPalette object's format is as follows

	Color1Name: { from: "rgb(R,G,B)", to: "rgb(R,G,B)" },
	Color2Name: { from: "rgb(R,G,B)", to: "rgb(R,G,B)" },
	...													,
	ColorNName: { from: "rgb(R,G,B)", to: "rgb(R,G,B)" }

Where R,G,B are numbers from 0-255 representing the intensity of Red, Green, Blue respectively.

The default option is

	"Red-Blue": {
		from: "rgb(255,0,0)",
		to: "rgb(0,0,255)"
	"Green-Yellow": {
		from: "rgb(0,255,0)",
		to: "rgb(0,255,255)"

Note: The list of default options may be expanded in future revisions.

Note: When passing a colorPalette it is extended (added to) to the existing default option. This might be changed in future revisions.

Color is simply a value from the range of values Color1Name, Color2Name, ... ,ColorNName.

The default option is "Red-Blue"

Mappings and Scalings

Mappings and Scalings are two objects that map chart components to data columns (via column numbers).

Mappings defines which column the key, x, y, size, color, category should represent.

Chart Dimensions:

  • key: Defines what the chart should transition upon.
  • x: Defines the x-axis data mapping.
  • y: Defines the y-axis data mapping.
  • size: Defines the size of the circles' data mapping.
  • color: Defines the color of the circles' data mapping.
  • color: Defines the name of the circles' data mapping.

Scaling Types:

  • linear: Defines a linear scale x->y.
  • sqrt: Defines a square root scale x->y^(1/2).
  • log: Defines a logarithmic scale x->log(y).
  • quadnomial: Defines a quadnomial scale x->y^2.
  • ordinal: Defines an ordinal scale x(i)->i.

Mappings object should be in the following format {key:N, x:N, y:N, size:N, color:N, category:N} Where N is a number from 0 to (the number of columns - 1) and all components are optional.

Mappings default option is

	key: 0,
	x: 1,
	y: 2,
	size: 3,
	color: 4,
	category: 0

Given that the default data column length is 5.

Note: There is an internal check on the maximum data column length where a number larger would be capped to data column length - 1.

Scalings object should be in the following format {x:SCALE_TYPE, y:SCALE_TYPE, size:SCALE_TYPE, color:SCALE_TYPE}. Where SCALE_TYPE is a string with one of the scaling type values noted above and all components are optional.

Scalings default option is

	x: "linear",
	y: "linear",
	size: "linear",
	color: "linear"

Note: Scalings is currently case sensitive. This might be changed in future revisions.

Possible Todos

  • Performance optimisation / Code refactoring
  • Integrate nvd3 jQuery plugin
  • Attempt to reproduce animation by Tweening instead of rebinding data


Ramy Elkest


Ivo Dinov

Copyright and License

The LGPL License

Copyright (c) 2012 Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR) <>

All SOCR programs, materials, tools and resources are developed by and freely disseminated to the entire community.

Users may revise, extend, redistribute, modify under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Open Source Initiative All efforts should be made to develop and distribute factually correct, useful, portable and extensible resource all available in all digital formats for free over the Internet.

SOCR resources are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without any explicit, implicit or implied warranty for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details see