Code for the paper "Bilinear Sequence Regression: Model for Learning from Long Sequences of High-dimensional Tokens"
Read the paper here: link
We use Python 3.10 with the following libraries
- Torch 1.12.1
- Numpy 1.23.2
- Pandas 1.4.4
- CVXPY 1.3.0
- Matplotlib 3.5.3
We use Julia 1.11.1 with the following libraries
- CSV v0.10.14
- DataFrames v1.7.0
- HCubature v1.7.0
- NLsolve v4.5.1
- Plots v1.40.8
- Polynomials v4.0.11
- QuadGK v2.11.1
- Roots v2.2.1
- Statistics v1.11.1
- StatsPlots v0.15.7
- LinearAlgebra v1.11.0
- Random v1.11.0
This Jupyter notebook produces the figures in the paper. All the data is included in the repository.
This Julia code contains all the functions needed to obtain the theory curves in our paper.
This script uses the functions in main.jl
to generate the data for the plots in the paper, saving them in hte folder plots
This code provides a minimal example of how we run standard Gradient Descent on the bilinear sequence regression model initialised in the prior. The data would be saved in 'standard'. For convenience the parameters
This code provides a minimal example of how we run Averaged Gradient Descent on the bilinear sequence regression model initialised in the prior. The data would be saved in 'averaged'. For convenience the parameters
This code is the same as
but with the initialisation of the model with very small norm.
This code is the same as
but with the initialisation of the model with very small norm.
This code provides a minimal example of how we find the Minimal Nuclear Norm Estimator on the bilinear sequence regression model. It's recomended to not use sizes larger than