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Cirbo: A New Tool for Boolean Circuit Analysis and Synthesis

Environment setup

Python 3.9 is used to cover all currently maintained Python versions.

Package was tested on Ubuntu and Mac OS Ventura 13 machines.

  1. Update submodules git submodule update --init --recursive

  2. Install following packages using your package manager:

    • dev version of python3.9-dev and python3.9-distutils
    • build-essential package for Ubuntu.
    • cmake and suitable C++ compiler, e.g. gcc
    • graphviz library

    Command for Ubuntu:

    sudo apt install python3-dev python3.9-dev python3.9-distutils gcc cmake graphviz build-essential

    Note: python3.9 is unavailable in latest versions of Ubuntu, so deadsnakes ppa may be useful:

  3. Install poetry (official instruction) (cirbo requires poetry version to be >= 2.0.0)

  4. Build dist with extensions locally by running poetry build

    Note: building ABC extension may take long time, one can skip it using (export DISABLE_ABC_CEXT=1 && poetry build && poetry install) command.

  5. Setup virtual environment by running poetry install

  6. Execute poetry env activate

  7. Enable virtual environment using command, which was printed by previous command.

Note: it may be necessary to restart an IDE after extensions are built and installed to refresh its index and stubs.

Package structure

Some features of a package are demonstrated in the special modules located in the tutorial/ directory. The same code snippets are used in the paper's listings. This is probably a first place that should be explored after environment is set up.

Directory docs/ contains pre-rendered auto-api documentation of package cirbo. Main classes and methods of cirbo can be explored it that documentation. To begin exploration open docs/index.html in a browser.

Main cirbo/ directory is a Python package root. It provides following subpackages:

  • core — provides core classes and structures:
    • main boolean function abstractions: Function protocol to represent any boolean function and FunctionModel protocol to represent any partially defined boolean function
    • structures to carry representations of a boolean function (TruthTable, PyFunction and Circuit)
    • a Circuit class alongside with circuit manipulation operations.
  • synthesis — provides tools for circuit synthesis:
    • methods to synthesize new circuit either by providing model of a function (e.g. truth table with don't care values) and then formulating and solving a SAT problem of finding feasible circuit.
    • methods to generate circuits describing arithmetical and logical operations (e.g. generate_sum_n_bits and generate_if_then_else) or add such gadget to an existing circuit.
  • minimization — provides methods to minimize circuits:
    • low-effort circuit minimization algorithms (e.g. cleaning redundant gates, merging unary operators, merging duplicates, brute forcing equivalent gates).
    • high-effort circuit minimization trying to simplify small subcircuits within original circuit.
  • sat — provides tools related to SAT solving:
    • method to build a miter from two given circuits.
    • method to reduce of Circuit SAT to SAT using Tseytin transformation.
    • method to call SAT solvers using pysat toolkit.
  • circuits_db — provides methods to manage (read and write) database of (nearly) optimal small circuits. Can be useful for either search for circuit with given (partially defined) truth table or for an optimization of existing circuit.

Note: most of a public methods provide docstrings, which can be useful when exploring cirbo.

Directory data/ contains databases of small (nearly) optimal circuits, and an exemplar of circuit encoded in BENCH format needed for tutorial/.

Directory extensions/ contains C/C++ extensions written using pybind11. Those extensions allow usage of ABC and mockturtle within python env.

Directory third_party/ contains all third party libraries (excluding ones installed form pypi) distributed alongside current zip archive (whilts originally those dependencies are managed using git submodule). Those include: ABC, mockturtle and pybind11.

Directory tools/ contains utilities helpful for running linting checks or formatters.

Directory tests/ contains all tests that cover both cirbo/ and extensions/.

Technical info

C/C++ extensions

cirbo package provides integration with external C/C++ libraries (mockturtle and ABC). Such extensions are written using pybind11 and should be built before used locally. To build dependencies run poetry build and to install them use poetry install after.

Note: to build dependencies one should have all building tools available in the system. Currently, dependencies require C++ compiler and cmake to be available.

Warning: ABC extension takes quite a long time (>10 min) to build. There is an option to avoid its building: (export DISABLE_ABC_CEXT=1 && poetry build) (parenthesis should be included). It can be helpful for fast testing because, but yet it may cause some cirbo functionality to not work property.

Code quality

Code quality is sustained through both test-driven development and mandatory linter checks.


Tests are written and executed using pytest. To execute unit tests run poetry run pytest. Some tests have markers that disable their execution by default due to their long execution times or extra dependencies requirements. To execute all tests run poetry run pytest -m 'not manual'.


mypy is used for static type checking and flake8 is used for general linting.

black, docformatter and usort are used both to check if code is properly formatted (e.g. in CI checks) and to format code locally.


All formatters can be run at once in poetry environment using following tool script:

python ./tools/

All checks can be run at once in poetry environment using following tool script:

python ./tools/

If everything is good, output is expected to be like the following:

(cirbo-py3.9) cirbo$ python ./tools/

Development and contribution

More detailed developer's README can be found nearby.


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