IPCheck - Proxy Checker
- Live at https://tools.wmflabs.org/ipcheck/
- Development staging at https://tools.wmflabs.org/ipcheck-dev/
Requires PHP 7.2.
cp credentials.php.dist credentials.php
and fill in your API keys.cp webhostconfig.php.dist webhostconfig.php
and fill in your webhost detection settings.cp oauth.ini.dist oauth.ini
and fill in your OAuth consumer keys.cp config.dist.php config.php
and change the configuration to your liking.composer install
cd public_html && php -S localhost:8000
You should now be up and running at http://localhost:8000
- There are some tips / hints at EXPLANATION.md
- Please don't hesitate to send a pull request for this file!
- Instructions on using the API can be found at API.MD