- Overview
- Installation
- Dependencies
- Usage
- Scripts
- Cameleon Environments
- Artifacts
- Examples
- Known Issues
- Usage and Debugging Tips
- Support
is a user-friendly research and development tool built to standardize RL competency assessment for custom agents and environments.
It's ultimate goals are as follows:
- Provide a general grid-based interface upon which gridworld games of arbitrary complexity may be built (though any simulation can be adapted).
- Seamlessly integrate the general Cameleon environment interface with RLlib's distributed, highly optimized training and rollout system
- Ensure that arbitrary model-free (and eventually, model-based) RL algorithms may be trained on Cameleon environments through a standard CLI / API.
- Effectively rollout trained RL agents in environments while extensively collecting and storing their internal state through a standardized policy extractor
- Dynamically track, compress, and store importance artifacts from Cameleon experiments and allow for easy posting to remote servers or other filestores.
git clone https://gitlab.sri.com/caml/CAMeLeon.git
cd cameleon
pip install -e .[caml]
NOTE: Currently Cameleon requires a small edit of the Ray source code to work. This edit patches a known bug in RLlib and should be patched within two weeks of this writing (2021.07.29) with a nightly wheel and eventually a stable release. UPDATE: Bug has been fixed but has not yet been pushed in a stable release
Python >= 3.8.0
->sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
(to examine notebooks)matplotlib
(pickle for HDF5)tqdm
Cameleon is structured to allow for a user to completely define a scenario in which they would like to assess competency of an agent. Therefore, it includes functionality to assist in grid-world game development, benchmarking of created environments (speed, memory, etc.), agent training within an environment, and automated rollouts of a trained agent in the environment for later use in CAML evaluation. Below are the scripts, in topological order, that a user would use to construct a Cameleon system, run experiments, and store results.
In all of the following bash scripts, a reference to ${Variables}
indicates a user-defined input parameter.
If you want to run a single job, then the follow scripts are what you need. For more advanced runs, see the Experiments
Building a grid-world environment is relatively straightforward, providing scenario flexibility while remaining performant for fast RL training. To assist in this development, Cameleon provides a manual control API to run the environment manually and test its functionality. This was built off of the Gym Minigrid equivalent and adapted slightly. Relevant artifacts like rewards, observations, and actions can be viewed from the console as well to confirm the agent's interaction with the environment is correct. Once the environment is created, call it from the env_name
parameter and specify the relevant key_handler
between minigrid and cameleon.
# Run the script
python -m cameleon.bin.manual_control \
# -> Required <- #
--env-name = ${str: Name of registered environment} \
# -> Optional <- #
--key-handler = ${str: default = "cameleon": String denoted type of keyboard handler. Supports ['cameleon','minigrid']} \
--seed = ${int: default = 42: Random seed that governs game execution} \
--tile-size = ${int: default = 32: Pixel size of each RGB tile.} \
--log-level = ${bool: default = "info": Set log level for execution. Can be 'warn','info','debug','critical'}\
After the environment is built and debugged, it is important to verify that during training the environment can cycle at a high speed. This benchmarking script runs this test and several others, including how fast the environment can reset, how fast the encoded frames cycle, and how fast the rendered frames cycle. This was built off of the Gym Minigrid equivalent and adapted slightly. For the encoding cycle tests, add any relevant wrappers as a comma delimited string to ensure a realistic test.
# Run the script for env benchmarking
python -m cameleon.bin.benchmark \
# -> Required <- #
--env-name = ${str: Name of registered environment} \
# -> Optional <- #
--wrappers = ${str: default = 'encoding_only': Comma delimited string of wrappers to apply (see utils.env)} \
--num-enc-frames = ${int: default = 5000: Number of encoded frames to cycle through in benchmark speed test} \
--num-viz-frames = ${int: default = 1000: Number of visual frames to cycle through in ...} \
--num-resets = ${int: default = 1000: Number of resets to cycle through in ...} \
--visual = ${bool: default = False: Whether or not to test visual frame speed. This is not applicable to RLlib training and is slow}
--log-level = ${bool: default = "info": Set log level for execution. Can be 'warn','info','debug','critical'}\
Tapping into the RLlib training API, this script trains an RLlib agent with a few added arguments specific to Cameleon. Specifically, the wrappers argument appropriately wraps the fully-observable environment to create a state of partial observability or an alternative representation altogether. Beyond some small setup and integration details, this represents the existing RLlib training API, documentation for which can be found here.
# Run the script for training
python -m cameleon.bin.train \
# -> Required <- #
--env-name = ${str: Name of registered environment} \
--model-name = ${str: Name of RL algorithm supported by RLlib} \
# -> Hardware Reqs. <- #
--num-workers = ${int: default = 4: Number of CPU workers} \
--num-gpus = ${int: default = 1: Number of GPU workers} \
# -> Stopping Crit. <- #
--num-epochs = ${int: default = 100: Number of training epochs} \
--num-episodes = ${int: default = 0: Number of episodes to train for} \
--num-timesteps = ${int: default = 0: Number of timesteps to train for} \
# -> Misc. <- #
--wrappers = ${str: default = 'encoding_only': Comma delimited string of wrappers to apply (see utils.env)} \
--checkpoint-path = ${str: default = None: Model checkpoint filepath} \
--checkpoint-epochs = ${int: default = 10: How often (in epochs) to make a model checkpoint} \
--framework = ${str: default = 'torch': Model framework -> ('tf1', 'tf2', 'torch')} \
--log-level = ${bool: default = "info": Set log level for execution. Can be 'warn','info','debug','critical'}\
--config = ${JSON: default = "{}": RLlib config} \
--outdir = ${str: default = 'models/': Root directory to store model checkpoints}\
--seed = ${int: default = 42: Random seed that governs training execution} \
--tune = ${bool: default = False: Whether or not to use Ray.tune} \
Similar to the training API, the rollout API for Cameleon allows the user to set a train agent in an environment and record its behavior both as an encoded observation and, if needed, as a video recording. If the rollout is to be completed with the same setup in which training is conducted, no configuration file needs to be provided. Important - Currently setting --no-frame=True
will incur a significant memory overhead. It is set off by default; use with caution. Beyond this, this script loosely resembles the native RLlib rollout API, for which documentation can be found here.
# Run the script for rollouts
python -m cameleon.bin.rollout \
# -> Required <- #
--env-name = ${str: Name of registered environment} \
--checkpoint-path = ${str: Model checkpoint filepath} \
# -> Hardware Reqs. <- #
--num-workers = ${int: default = 4: Number of CPU workers} \
--num-gpus = ${int: default = 1: Number of GPU workers} \
# -> Stopping Crit. <- #
--num-episodes = ${int: default = 0: Number of episodes to train for} \
--num-timesteps = ${int: default = 0: Number of timesteps to train for} \
# -> Imago <- #
--store-imago = ${bool: default = False: Whether or not to compress rollouts into an imago training dataset} \
--bundle-only = ${bool: default = False: Boolean indicating that rollouts already exist and just need to be bundled for imago} \
--imago-dir = ${str: default = 'data/imago': Root directory to store imago dataset artifacts} \
--imago-features = ${str: default = "observation,action_dist,action_logits,value_function": Comma delimited string of fields to collect for imagination} \
--bundle-only-dir = ${str: default = None: If bundle-only=True, then this is the rollout directory path to bundle} \
# -> Misc. <- #
--wrappers = ${str: default = 'encoding_only': Comma delimited string of wrappers to apply (see utils.env)} \
--seed = ${int: default = 42: Random seed that governs rollout execution} \
--outdir = ${str: default = 'models/': Root directory to store model checkpoints}\
--config = ${JSON: default = "{}": RLlib config for rollouts} \
--store-video = ${bool: default = True: Boolean indicating whether MP4 videos of rollouts will be saved} \
--no-render = ${bool: default = True: Whether or not to render the rollouts live. Bad idea, this would be really slow} \
--no-frame = ${bool: default = True: Whether or not to store visual frame of the gameboard. This takes up lots of memory, so compress with hickle} \
--log-level = ${bool: default = "info": Set log level for execution. Can be 'warn','info','debug','critical'}\
--use-hickle = ${bool: default = True: Compress data with hickle, an HDF5 version of pickle} \
Sometimes, you may need to train, roll out, and analyze many different agents and environments for your experiments. The following scripts bundle the standard executables and enable the user to execute many runs at once. More detail is provided below
If you wish to train multiple agents and environments with the same base configuration, you may do so with this script. The keyword arguments are the same as the standard training script except for the --model-name
and --env-name
variables. Those are replaced by the arguments specified below.
# Run the script for training
python -m cameleon.bin.experiments.train_agents_envs \
# -> Required <- #
--env-names = ${str: Comma-delimited string of registered environments} \
--model-names = ${str: Comma-delimited string of RL algorithms supported by RLlib} \
... (same as standard train.py)
Similar to the training experiment script, you may run rollouts with many agents and environments. Moreover, if you wish you may also specify multiple numbers of the checkpoints (e.g. checkpoint_002000
) that you want to explore. These are provided in a variable called checkpoint-paths
, which replaces the standard executions's checkpoint-path
. Here is an example of it's format.
The env-name
variable is also replaced by env-names
, a comma-delimited string of environments.
# Run the script for rollouts
python -m cameleon.bin.experiment.rollout_agents_envs \
# -> Required <- #
--env-names = ${str: Comma-delimited string of registered environments} \
--checkpoint-paths = ${JSON: JSON string of model paths and checkpoints} \
... (same as standard rollout.py)
Provided with Cameleon are environments. Derived from the basic functionality of Gym MiniGrid, Cameleon's base environment and package structure is built to accommodate highly flexible, configurable environments. Emphasis is placed on ensuring modularity so that the environment can be tuned precisely to invoke specific scenarios with the agent conducive for experimentation on RL competency awareness. Information about the dynamics of these environments is added below.
Canniballs is a simple grid-world game built to examine agent competency in a highly stochastic environment with subgoals. There are several types of objects with which the agent can interact. Details on these objects is included below (but are configured by hyperparameters and may be changed). The overall goal of the game is to eat the other ball (Canniball) objects present on the screen. To do this, the agent must increase its power score such that it exceeds its opponent. It can do this by finding and consuming food. Once the agent's score exceeds an opponent, it can consume it and use it as food as well. The game terminates either when the agent is "canniballized", when the agent consumes all other opponents, or the environment reaches its step limit. All dynamics in this game are completely configurable, including color, default score, and number of opponents present.
Canniballs Object Roster
Object | Default Score | Color | Shape | Description |
Agent | 1 | Blue | Circle | RL agent for game. Can move one cell at a time in Manhattan distance (no diagonal) or stay still |
Food | N/A | Purple | Triangle | Food for agent to consume. If eaten, will either randomly regenerate somewhere else on the map or disappear forever. |
Random Walker | 1 | Green | Circle | Weakest Canniball opponent. Remains still with high probability. When active, moves randomly to adjacent cell, including diagonal. |
Bouncer | 2 | Yellow | Circle | Most active Canniball. Bounces around according linearly or diagonally (changing directions when contacting other objects) with a very small probability of random motion and remains still roughly half the time. |
Chaser | 3 | Red | Circle | Strongest Canniball. Remains still until agent comes within a certain radius. Then, it chases agent optimally with Manhattan distance, but with some probability of random motion |
Example Screenshot and Additional Details
Canniballs is built to facilitate effective learning by the agent. A base negative reward is provided at each timestep in which agent is still to encourage movement. If food is consumed, a base reward is received. If the agent consumes an opponent successfully, it receives a large reward proportional to the power score of the opponent.
However, if it attempts to consume an opponent more powerful than itself, it incurs a large negative reward proportional to the difference in the agent's power score and that off the canniball opponent. This penalizes the agent less if it attempts to consume an opponent only slightly more powerful than itself. If the agent fails to consume an opponent, it itself is consumed and the episode terminates.
Lastly, if an object is ever trapped, it either remains still until it is freed or attempts a random motion to an arbitrary adjacent cell. In practice, this occurs rarely. The goal of this environment is to investigate the competency of an agent in a simple environment that must conditionally prioritize its objectives. What can be consumed changes over time, leading to non-trivial strategy and tactics. In benchmark tests on a 2018 Macbook, the 12x12 environment can cycle at roughly 2600 FPS.
To the right is a gif of a trained DQN agent in a small, easy Canniballs environment, achieving the goal with high precision. Note that although the agent does not completely maintain the correct semantic order of consumption (eating all weak canniballs first, then moving to next strongest) it generally does reflect the correct ordering.
Moreover, though given no explicit reward signal for efficiency (agent is not penalized explicitly for taking its time) is given, the agent expresses a clear preference for canniballs in its immediate proximity and will temporarily abandon a chase if the agent is proving too difficult to catch.
Though simple, this demonstration also depicts the agents ability to quickly flip between "chase" and "flee", sometimes conducting both at the same time. For example, the red Canniball gives chase when the agent comes close during its search for food. As it approaches, the agent zig-zags around to evade the Canniballs while also consuming weaker opponents and food. Afterwards, the agent then ceases evasion and attacks the read Canniball directly. Furthermore, all of this is completed quickly and efficiently.
Disruptions are not an environment, but rather an object that you can insert into one. Disruptions are not explicitly tied to Canniballs; they are constructed in a modular manner such that they can be embedded in any game/environment that you construct. The intended goal of disruptions is to investigate changes in the agent's internal state when presented with a situation it has not previously seen. Though disruptions can be included as part of training, in general they were intended to serve as "unseen" situations a trained agent has never been exposed to. In particular, they can be utilized to investigate the robustness of RL agents. Some examples of these disruptions can be seen below.
Normal Canniballs Environment | Food-in-corners Disruption | Four Chasers Disruption |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
There are several important artifacts that Cameleon generates and automatically stores. These destinations are listed below and pre-configured but can be overridden if necessary.
models: Stores all artifacts from RLlib training, including the configuration file, checkpoints, and tensorboard output for visualizing training. Each run is uniquely identified based on its environment, model, and the current date. Training runs of the exact same configuration on the same day will be overwritten if the previous model checkpoint is not fed to the run as a starting point. If it is, the same directory will be used but there will be no checkpoint collisions.
rollouts: Stores rollout artifacts for trained agent interactions within the environment. The agent's state, observation, action, reward, and ancillary information are tracked for each timestep as a JSON-style python dictionary and then compressed with
. These rollouts save as separate pickle files to a single, programmatically defined directory and are named based on their process ID (pid
) and CPU core-specific episode number since rollouts are executed in a distributed setting. If requested, each rollout will have a corresponding video. If video recording is specified, each rollout will automatically generate a folder. Inside, a pickle file of the rollout and a.mp4
file of the same name will be present. -
data: The data file corresponds to any additional features needed specifically for RL competency analysis. These may include extracted features, artifacts derived from an agent rollout (action distribution, value function estimates, etc.).
To assist in understanding how to use this package, we have provided a folder called examples
with sandbox utilization of Cameleon. Running the bash scripts provided will effectively train, roll out, and analyze the competency of an agent in an environment. NOTE: These tutorials are intended to be run in a single 24 hour period. If you run a tutorial over multiple days, you may need to change the dynamically assigned $DATE
variable provided. However, all examples train and analyze an agent in less than 8 hours.
DQN with RLlib's default configuration is known to converge well on Canniballs-Easy-12x12
in under 6 hours (exact time varies based on the number of workers you use). This tutorial assumes access to a single GPU, and at least 4 CPU worker cores. You will likely also need at least 8Gb of RAM to run all workers. To execute this example, run the provided bash scripts in order (the first two scripts benchmark the environment dynamics and speed, and for exploration purposes only. Agent training begins at step three):
TLDR: The best way to run a full pipeline is with framework=torch
. If you use tf2
(tensorflow eager execution), you will likely experience a memory leak in Ray's rollout workers than may crash your system eventually. Plan checkpoints accordingly. Under the same conditions, there is no memory leak with a tf1 model, but tf1 rollout performance is over 10x slower than tf2 agents due to needing to run the entire session graph nest for each saved rollout output from the model separately. Moreover, we have not yet found an effective way to automatically port a TF1 checkpoint into TF2.
- Due to a known bug in the most recent RLlib release, training agents with
is broken. The bug is in triage and hopefully will be fixed soon. Cameleon creators have added a patch by which torch policies may be used, but the patch is somewhat machine dependent and not robust. Reach out to the creators if you experience bugs. UPDATE: This bug has been fixed but has not yet been included in a stable release of RLlib. Reach out of you have issues. - Training with tf2 and eager execution will cause a memory leak during training. The CPU RAM will progressively swell amongst all the workers during training and eventually terminate. This issue has been seen some before with RLlib, but there is no clear identification of the issue or when / if it will be fixed. A Cameleon-specific patch is also being explored.
- Although not a Cameleon issue per se, RLlib's model-based algorithms do not support discrete action spaces and are therefore not yet supported with Cameleon.
- While it is possible to extract rollout information using
(lazy execution) models, the implementation is currently inefficient and slow due to the overhead of repeatedly evaluating a large session graph. Fixes of this issue have not yet been successful under the current Cameleon design pattern. We recommend instead to use Tensorflow 2 models or PyTorch. - RLlib and Gym monitors do not provide easy control of the artifacts they generate. Therefore, during rollout storage a cleanup script runs and clears out many of the unnecessary files. In the future it would be ideal to more directly control this behavior.
- RLlib callbacks do not store the initial observation state by default, so Cameleon has written code to allow it. To honor this functionality, any wrappers that you create for your environment should have a
method that will return the wrapped observation seen by the agent. - Though not an issue per-se, rollouts with the same random seed, though identical, may complete in different amounts of time. That is, if you run the same rollout command with different models, you will always get at least the number of identical rollouts specified, but then an indeterminate number of rollouts for which there is no match in other models. We handle this issue by running a reconciliation step to align rollouts across models during the cleanup script.
- Rollout sessions that also same the image frame of the environment state can be quite large. We have optimized compression of rollouts with
and GZIP compression, but expect 100 rollouts to still be roughly 200MB compressed (~1.6GB uncompressed). By default, we set--no-frame=True
to avoid inadvertant OOM issues. We also provide a method for reconstructing the encoded frame (much smaller np.array) into the RGB visual frame. We recommend utilizing this functionality if you do not need visual frames for every episode and timestep. Moreover, for small amounts of data pickle compresses far faster.
- RLlib only supports two types of models out of the box for the core policy: MLPs and Convolutional models. In the latter case, the dimensionality of the environment and specific conv filter sizes / strides must be provided if the size differs from (84,84,k) or (42,42,k). With that said, many agents support LSTM, RNN, Attention, and other model augmentations of the core model with wrapping.
- RLlib is sensitive to filepaths and does not provide intuitive errors. The first thing to check if experiencing an error is your checkpoint filepath.
- Sometimes RLlib will inexplicably present a filepath error during rollouts, usually specifying a JSON file. Running the script again with no change usually resolves this.
- If you specify multiple stopping criteria, the one with the lowest granularity will be chosen (e.g. timesteps > episodes > epochs).
- If you want to run rollouts with a random agent, use the
file for your model. Otherwise, you will not be able to use parallelism of ray or Cameleon's policy extraction tools. All models should have a start-time checkpoint. - If at all possible, do not run rollouts with a tf1 lazy evaluation agent.
- Environment wrappers are not idempotent and rely on specific orderings. Any wrapper than reduces the data profile of the observation (e.g. RGB or Encoding only wrappers) should wrap the observation last to prevent errors.
- Always use the
executable to validate game design and dynamics - Benchmark the speed of aspects of your environment with
before training
If you have questions or issues with this package, you may post an issue or contact Sam Showalter or Eric Yeh. If you still would like additional information about CAMeLeon that is not satisfied by this README, feel free to take a look at some of our other presentation materials (ppt. and video recording).
This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR001119C0112.