This is a set of interactive Pluto.jl notebooks on topics discussed in beginning graduate level macroeconomics. It's built around the syllabus of the course Macroeconomics (EC413) taught at the LSE by Matthias Doepke and Silvana Tenreyro(2023-2024). But it also includes some more advanced discussions, or related stuff I find interesting.
The main aim is to make the transition from undergraduate to graduate Macroeconomics smoother by employing the fantastic Pluto.jl and PlutoUI.jl tools to make the models more intuitive.
Below you can find the links to each notebook, dockerised on Binder.
The Solow Model (in Discrete Time)
Stagnation: The Malthusian Economy
Industrialisation: Transition to Modern Growth and the Role of Subsistence Level of Food
Romer's Expanding (Input) Variety Model
Schumpeterian Quality Ladder Model
I made use of IOPlutoNotebooks by @schrimpf and PlutoNotebooks by @roualdes in building this repository.