This is the Team SWI-Prolog entry for Ludum Dare 48 Jam.
Walrus video from Discord.
LD Jam image
- Anne Ogborn - programming
You will need SWI-Prolog installed. Get the (latest development release)[] and run here. I'm developing on 8.3.22
To run the server (assuming OVERWORLDINTRODREAM is the first dream):
On linux and mac
cd prolog/
swipl -s -g "ifml:load_game_to_cards('OVERWORLDINTRODREAM', '../toolkits/md2xml/'),go"
is the card the player sees when they first load the game.
On windows:
Double click the file.
A window will open and say something about welcome to prolog.
You'll be left with a prompt like ?-
At that prompt type
ifml:load_game_to_cards('OVERWORLDINTRODREAM', '../toolkits/md2xml/'),go.
Notice the period at the end. (and yes, type enter at the end of all of it) There will be a moment's delay and if all goes well it will say
% Started server at http://localhost:8888/
On either system, this will run the server, you can look at it at (port 8888)[http://localhost:8888/].
I've only tested with firefox at the moment.
You can add audio/video to your reveal section. Recently most browsers stopped allowing media to play on load. Not sure what's up, the video is playing but audio is not.
<video width="320" height="240" autoplay="true"><source src="/img/walrus.mp4" type="video/mp4" />8c( no video</video>
<audio><source src="/audio/Dream-transition1.mp3" autoplay="true"/></audio>
It's a game jam - things go sideways
The files are marked up in markdown, then run through a python program to make xml, and the prolog reads xml
cd ~/ludumdare48/toolkits/md2xml/src
python -m main ..