It's SimpleHTTPServer, with python3 facial hair! Supports:
- HTTP Basic AUTH [username:pass]
- HTTPS encryption
- Self-generates self-signed certificate, or you can bring your own
usage: [-h] [-i IP] [-p PORT] [-a AUTH] [-s] [-c CERT] [-k PRIVATEKEY]
Python HTTPS Auth Server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IP, --ip IP Bind IP (Default all interfaces
-p PORT, --port PORT Bind port, default 8443
-a AUTH, --auth AUTH HTTP BASIC auth [username:password]
-s, --https Use HTTPS
-c CERT, --cert CERT If you brought your own CERT, then by all means... [fullpath]
-k PRIVATEKEY, --privatekey PRIVATEKEY If you brought your own PRIVATE_KEY, then by all means... [fullpath]
sudo python3 -m pip install python3HTTPSAuthServer
python3 -m python3HTTPSAuthServer
python3 -m python3HTTPSAuthServer -h
python3 -m python3HTTPSAuthServer -https -auth 'benzo:qu4rantyne!' -i -p 443