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An LLM-powered tool for approximation of intermitant computing applications.


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CheckMate: LLM-Powered Approximate Intermittent Computing

CheckMate is a framework designed to automate the application of software-level approximate computing techniques for intermittent computing applications. It leverages Large Language Models (LLMs), in conjunction with tools such as egypt and clangd, to analyze and suggest code approximations using a context-aware and comprehensive prompting pipeline robust against erroneous code generated by LLMs. CheckMate further tunes approximations to the application's deployment environment by simulating runtime power consumption using a modified version of the fused simulator. For a comprehensive overview, refer to our CheckMate paper.

Directory Structure

Directory Content
config Contains files with global variables that control the execution of CheckMate (can be altered to skip/change/add steps in the CheckMate pipeline).
benchmark_applications This folder contains the benchmark application that CheckMate is eveluated on.
eval-app This folder is an intermediate folder where application code is compiled for target platform with checkpointing solution.
fusedBin Contains the configuration files of the fused simulator. The fused executable file must also be placed in this directory once it has been built and compiled (see Setup section for more details).
lib Contains scripts used to invoke various tools utilized by CheckMate.
llm-preruns Contains pre-run llm trials in case of evaluating CheckMate when LLM API key is unavailable.
logs This folder will contain any temporary files created during CheckMate's execution.
prompts Contains text files that are used as prompt templates when invoking the LLM.
traces Contains sample energy traces that CheckMate can use when simulating power consumption on the fused simulator.
utils Contains scripts with various utility functions used by CheckMate during its execution.

CheckMate Workflow

CheckMate's workflow can be divided into two main parts:

  1. Analysis and Approximation
  2. Fine Tuning

The master script where the execution of each process can be observed is the file. This is the primary script that links all the different components of CheckMate into one pipeline. To understand the workflow at a code level, follow the steps outlined in the file (a "README FOLLOW ALONG START HERE" comment has been included for readers).

CheckMate Architecture/Workflow

1. Analysis and Approximation

We begin by creating the Function Call Graph (FCG) of the application. The FCG is constructed by creating .expanded files using gcc, which are then fed into the egypt tool to generate a graphical representation file that can be read by graphviz. However, since we don't require a graphical representation, we parse the file and instead construct an adjacency matrix of the FCG. This occurs in the lib/ and lib/ files when they are imported into the file. The LLM is given the files in the target directory and asked to create a Makefile that outputs the .expanded files for the application.

We then use Microsoft's Language Server Protocol (LSP) to extract all the functions in the target files. The main function calls the parseFunctions() function, which initializes an instance of LSP. It then sends a documentSymbol request for each .c file in the target folder, returning a JSON object that lists all the function names along with the line and character positions where each function's definition starts and ends. We parse the .c files to extract all the function definitions and store them in JSON files located in the functions folder (this folder is created at runtime and is temporary).

Next, we proceed to the LLM interaction steps, beginning with application analysis (findTargetFunctions function). Here, we start by asking the LLM to analyze the functions and select which ones can be approximated. Simultaneously, we ask it to generate summaries of the functions (these summaries help the LLM analyze the purpose of the functions, utilizing the benefits of chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting). We then proceed to the approximation engine pipeline, iterating over each function in sequential order to first plan the approximations to implement and then implement them (see planStepFunction and approximateFunction functions in lib/ In this final step, knob variables are also added (see our paper for more information on knob variables). For each step in this sequence, the exact prompts can be found in the prompts folder.

Lastly, for each modified (approximated) function, we validate the approximation’s compile-time and runtime correctness using a Makefile generated by the LLM.

2. Fine Tuning

Now that we have a set of approximated functions, we can tune their knobs to discard poor approximations by "tuning them out" (setting knob values such that they have minimal effect on application runtime) and enhance approximations advantageous for our use case. Here, we use user-provided energy traces (see the traces folder for examples) and sample inputs to evaluate the power-cycle and program output degradation. A modified version of the Fused simulator is used to evaluate the number of power cycles required for program execution (see checkpointOrchestration function).

To tune the knobs, scikit-optimize's implementation of Bayesian Optimization is employed to effectively find the best possible knob combinations (see runBayesOpt function in lib/

Setup with Docker

Follow the steps below to build and use the Docker container interactively:

Note: For you own ease make sure you have setup the .env file before these steps though it is not necessary.

  1. Build the Docker Image
    Open a terminal in the root directory of your project (where the Dockerfile is located) and run:

    docker build -t checkmate-image .

    This will create a Docker image named checkmate-image.

  2. Run the Docker Container Interactively
    To start the container and access a terminal within it, use the following command:

    docker run -it checkmate-image

    The -it flag ensures the container runs in interactive mode, providing you with a terminal.

  3. Verify Internet Connectivity
    To confirm the container has internet access, you can test connectivity with commands such as:


Setup without Docker

1. Install egypt

egypt generates call graphs for C programs. Follow these steps to install it:

  1. Download egypt from this link.
  2. Extract the downloaded tar file and navigate to the extracted folder:
    tar -xvf egypt.tar.gz
    cd egypt
  3. Run the following commands to install:
    sudo apt install perl
    sudo apt install graphviz
    perl Makefile.PL
    sudo make install
  4. Verify installation:
    man egypt

2. Install clangd

clangd is typically pre-installed on Linux distributions. To check:

clangd --version

If not installed, run:

sudo apt install clangd

3. Install and Build fused-checkmate

The fused simulator is used to evaluate the performance of intermittent computing applications. To set up:

  1. Clone the fused-checkmate repository:
    git clone
  2. Use the provided bash script to build and install:
  3. Once built, copy the fused binary from the build directory in the cloned repository to the fusedBin folder in the CheckMate repository.

4. Set Up the .env File

Create a .env file in the root directory of CheckMate with the following configurations, depending on your preferred LLM API:

  • For OpenAI's API:
  • For Anthropic's API:

5. Install Python Dependencies

  1. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
    python3 -m venv checkmate_env
    source checkmate_env/bin/activate
  2. Install dependencies from the requirements.txt file:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


General Usage

  1. Configure the Tool:

    • Place your API key and model name in the .env file.
    • Place the application to be approximated (along with its required compilation files) in the target folder.
    • If using a checkpointing library other than iclib ManageState, include the necessary library files in the target folder as well (to be added).
  2. Define Inputs:

    • Fill in the error class and energy trace variables in the inputs.yml file (to be added).
  3. Note:

    • The recommended LLM snapshot is gpt-4o-2024-11-20, as it has undergone the most testing and provides stable performance.

Running Benchmark Applications

To run the evaluation benchmarks, use the following command with the --bm_name argument:

python3 --bm_name {name_of_benchmark}

To run the Sobel Filter benchmark:

python3 --bm_name sobel-iclib
Without an API Key

If you do not have an OpenAI or Anthropic API key, you can use pre-run LLM responses to run CheckMate and automate the fine-tuning process with the --no_llm flag:

python3 --bm_name sobel-iclib --no_llm

We recommend running this command first to ensure CheckMate is installed and functioning correctly.

Benchmark Applications and Their Names
Application Benchmark Name
Activity Recognition ar-iclib
Sobel Filter sobel-iclib
String Search stringsearch-iclib
Fast Fourier Transform fft-iclib
Link Quality Indicator lqi-iclib
Bitcount bc-iclib

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that all dependencies, especially clangd and egypt, are installed correctly before proceeding with application analysis.
  • Use of a virtual environment is highly encouraged to prevent conflicts with global Python installations.
  • Copy Files to a Running Container : Use the docker cp command to copy files from your host system into a running container:
    docker cp /path/to/local/file <container_id>:/path/in/container
    docker cp <container_id>:/home/ubuntu/CheckMate/scripts/

Citing CheckMate

CheckMate: LLM-Powered Approximate Intermittent Computing. Abdur-Rahman Ibrahim Sayyid-Ali, Abdul Rafay, Muhammad Abdullah Soomro, Muhammad Hamad Alizai, Naveed Anwar Bhatti. 2024

  title={{CheckMate}:LLM-Powered Approximate Intermittent Computing,
  author={Sayyid-Ali, Abdur-Rahman Ibrahim and Rafay, Abdul and Soomro, Muhammad Abdullah and Alizai, Muhammad Hamad and Bhatti, Naveed Anwar},