Tracking my technical skills, personal projects, coursework, and coding challenges for learning web development to plan, document, and share my progress.
Learning logs:
Skill | Level |
HTML | 💡 💡 💡 💡 |
CSS | 💡 💡 💡 |
JavaScript | 💡 💡 |
Astro | 💡 💡 |
Responsive Web Design | 💡 💡 |
Web Accessibility | 💡 💡 |
Command Line | 💡 💡 |
Git | 💡 💡 |
GitHub | 💡 💡 |
Figma | 💡 |
Agile Methodologies | 💡 |
Under active development
Live site:
The website is powered by Astro, GitHub, and Netlify and based on the official Astro Blog template. I customized the template to my needs and made changes to improve responsiveness and accessibility.
Skills used: Astro, JavaScript, CSS, responsive design, web accessibility, HTML, version control with git and GitHub.
I'm following the Full Stack JavaScript learning path in The Odin Project.
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Git Basics
- HTML Foundations
- Project: Recipes
- CSS Foundations
- Flexbox
- Project: Landing Page
- JavaScript Basics
- Project: Rock Paper Scissors
- Project: Etch-a-Sketch
- Project: Calculator
- Conclusion
- Intermediate HTML Concepts
- Intermediate CSS Concepts
- Forms
- Project: Sign-up Form
- Grid
- Project: Admin Dashboard
- Introduction
- Organizing Your JavaScript Code
- Project: Library
- Project: Tic Tac Toe
- Project: Restaurant Page
- Project: Todo List
- JavaScript in the Real World
- Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs
- Project: Weather App
- A Bit of Computer Science
- Project: Recursion
- Project: Linked Lists
- Project: HashMap
- Project: Binary Search Tree
- Project: Knights Travails
- Intermediate Git
- Testing JavaScript
- Project: Testing Practice
- Project: Battleship
- Finishing Up with JavaScript
- Animation
- Accessibility
- Responsive Design
- Project: Homepage
- Introduction
- Getting Started with React
- States and Effects
- Project: CV Application
- Project: Memory Card
- Class Components
- React Testing
- The React Ecosystem
- Project: Shopping Card
- More React Concepts
- Conclusion
- Databases
- Project: SQL Zoo
- Introduction to NodeJS
- Project: Basic Informational Site
- Express
- Project: Mini Message Board
- Project: Inventory Application
- Authentication
- Project: Members Only
- ORMs
- Project: File Uploader
- APIs
- Project: Blog API
- Testing Express
- Full Stack Projects
- Project: Where's Waldo (A Photo Tagging App)
- Project: Messaging App
- Project: Odin-Book
- Preparing for Your Job Search
- Project: Building Your Personal Website
- Applying to and Interviewing for Jobs
- Project: Building Your
I'm using the learning paths on Frontend Mentor to build additional projects.
- Challenge: QR code component
- Challenge: Blog preview card
- Challenge: Social links profile
- Challenge: Recipe page
- Challenge: Product preview card component
- Challenge: Four card feature section
- Challenge: Testimonial grid section
- Challenge: Meeting landing page
This project is inspired by Syk Houdeib's Learning Tracker, by Alexander Kallaway's #100DaysOfCode Challenge, and by Shovan Chatterjee's Full Stack Web Developer Path.
I found Syk Houdeib's Learning Tracker through his post for freeCodeCamp How I switches career and got a developer job in 10 months: a true story.
- If you like this repo and find it useful, please consider starring it ★ (on the top right of the page).
- If you would like to use it as a template to track your own learning, you can fork the repo and customize the files to your own needs.