DatePicker for swift 5, using UIPresentationController and UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning.
Just run the example project, or clone the repo.
- Xcode 12 or above
- iOS 14
- Swift 5.2
- Support Dark mode
- Example code
let pick:PresentedViewController = PresentedViewController() = DefaultStyle()
pick.block = { [weak self] (date) in
self?.txtShowDate.text = date
self.present(pick, animated: true, completion: nil)
You can use default style to setup the picker ui color, or set property in default style
var style = DefaultStyle()
// You can set one or mutilple colors in picker text color
style.pickerColor = StyleColor.colors([style.textColor, .red, .blue]) // or StyleColor.color(
// Picker mode
style.pickerMode = .date
// If you want a title in datePicker, you can use this.
style.titleString = "This is Date Picker"
// Define some date format
style.returnDateFormat = .d_m_yyyy
// The minimum date
style.minimumDate = Date()
// The maximum date
style.maximumDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(3600*24*7*52)
// Set title font
style.titleFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 25, weight: .bold)
In addition, you also can custom style by implement PickerStyle
, like as:
struct CustomStyle:PickerStyle {
var textColor:UIColor
var pickerColor: StyleColor?
var timeZone: TimeZone?
var minimumDate: Date?
var maximumDate: Date?
var pickerMode:UIDatePicker.Mode?
var titleFont:UIFont?
var returnDateFormat:DateFormat?
var titleString: String?
Licence MIT