- A simple Example simulates ChatGPT by using OpenAI API's .
- As a Visitor, I want to see tow options to Ask about images and ask about any thing.
- As a Visitor, I want to ask the website about images by descrip it.
- As a Visitor, I want to ask the website about any thing.
clone this repo by typing this command in the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/Saeed99Madi/NextJS-ChatGpt-Typescript
npm i
to install the packages for the app as well as the client side packages.
Environment variables are one of the ways we keep our product safe. If you want to access our app locally you will need to add your own.
- create .env file
- add your Environment variables
To Generate OPENAI Token : - OpenAI Token
To start the App Locally you can start the server First then start client-side or vice versa!
To run Server, In your terminal Type:
npm run dev
then you should be able to go to (http://localhost:8080/)
Now you can view the app live in the Browser!
- BackEnd & FrontEnd: Next.js
- FrontEnd Landing Page: Next Js
- Localisation: Next Translate
- Middlewares: Axios
- Libraries: Material UI
- Libraries: OPENAI
- Libraries: GPT-3