Discord bot that generates rubik's cube scrambles with preview.
You can call it using !scramble
or !cube
and the bot will retun you with a 3x3 scramble and a preview of the scrambled cube.
This project was built using the following technologies:
- Python 3.5.3 or higher
- Discord.py
- Pycuber
Install Dependencies
# Install Discord.py
pip install discordpy
# Install pycuber
pip install pycuber
Now you can download the bot.py file.
To add the bot, you can click here and follow the instructions to get your discord bot token. After that, paste the token in the field DISCORD_TOKEN, between the quotation marks, in the line 6 of the bot.py file.
After installing all the dependencies and adding the bot to your discord, just run the bot.py file.
This project is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.