The Owner of this Repository Sagar Dev Achar does not guarantee or provide any security against any Data Breaches and Attacks
The credentials once entered into the program assume that you have enabled sufficient Login Access in your Google Account and you are running the program with your credentials on a trusted device
The sensitive credentials will be erased from the stack after no longer than 10 seconds of the entry, provided that the program flow is not manually interrupted by the user
The Owner of this Repository Sagar Dev Achar can by no means be held responsible for curricular or personal issues faced during classes. The student / user is solely responsible for his / her actions through the class and outside of it and takes full charge of his / her curricular performance
By using this application, the user agrees to take full responsibilty of any action as mentioned above
For any Bugs / Vulnerabilities in Code / Security, please raise an Issue Ticket under the Issues Tab of this Repository. Any further Corrections and Updates will be considered on the basis of the raised issues.
ChromeDriver is a property of The Chromium Projects by Google and any issue with the usage / security of it does not hold Sagar Dev Achar responsible.
For details and documentation about ChromeDriver, click here
The StackOverflow OAuth is used to securely log in to you Google Account. This process is followed due to Google's Security restriction on direct login on unrecognized browsers. No user information is passed on to StackOverflow directly. Visit StackOverflow to know about the access provided.