This application logs in to the AWS Console using Synapse as the OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider. The application also provides the following alternate endpoints:
: returns a Synapse access token for the user who has logged in to Synapse
: returns a long-lived 'personal access token' (PAT) for the user who has logged in to Synapse. The token name in the Synapse console is 'AWS CLI for Service Catalog'. If a PAT with this name already exists an error will be returned.
: returns a Synapse OIDC id token for the user who has logged in to Synapse
: returns an STS token as a JSON file suitable for using with the AWS CLI and providing the same permissions as one has in the AWS Console. When called without any authentication, the application will initiate the OAuth protocol to authenticate. If a Synapse access token is included as a bearer token in the Authorization header then the application will invisibly validate the user and return the STS token. An example is:
curl --location-trusted -H Authorization:"Bearer <synapse-access-token>"
"Version": 1,
"AccessKeyId": "an AWS access key",
"SecretAccessKey": "your AWS secret access key",
"SessionToken": "the AWS session token for temporary credentials",
"Expiration": "ISO8601 timestamp when the credentials expire"
The app is configured with parameters listed below, which can be passed as properties, environment variables, AWS Simple System Management (SSM) parameters, or a properties file on the class loader search path called like so:
TEAM_TO_ROLE_ARN_MAP=[{"teamId":"xxxxxx","roleArn":"arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/ServiceCatalogEndusers"}, ...]
The name of the properties file,
can be overridden by setting an environment variable or
system property called PROPERTIES_FILENAME
In the case that a parameter is passed in multiple ways, priority is as follows:
- Environment variable
- System property
- Properties file entry
Any property can be stored in AWS SSM. To do so, set the value of the property to be the name of the SSM parameter, and add the prefix ssm::
, for example:
Instructions on how to put a parameter into SSM can be found here. To store the client secret, use --name /synapse-login-app/prod/synapse-oauth-client-secret
(i.e. the name is the value in the property, without the ssm::
prefix), --type SecureString
and set --value
to the client secret.
This defines the mapping between the synapse team and the AWS role. When mapping team ID to AWS Role, this app' uses the first match it encounters, iterating through the team/role list in the order given.
config is a comma separated list of claims from the list of
available claims, given here:
used to define tags in the AWS session. The tags are names synapse-
, where is the name of the claim given in the config file.
config is also a comma separated list of claims, but used to define the session name, as a colon delimited list of claim values. For example: setting SESSION_NAME_CLAIMS=userid,email
will display
in AWS.
Note: The list of claims requested from Synapse is the union of the two lists, SESSION_TAG_CLAIMS
, plus the userid
claim, which this application uses itself.
This application will host a static list of redirect URIs including those used by itself and those used by other Service Catalog components which authenticate using Synapse as an identity provider. The REDIRECT_URIS
parameter is a comma separated list of OAuth redirect URIs and the list appears as a JSON Array at the URI, /redirect_uris.json
Technically this application establishes the sector identifier for all the OAuth clients in the system, ensuring they all receive the same paired pseudonymous identifier for each Synapse user. When registering as an OIDC client with Synapse, include sector_identifier_uri=<this_host>/redirect_uris.json
This is a java application which we build with standard apache maven tooling. AWS beanstalk requires files to be in a standard directory structure.
mvn clean package
We deploy this application to an existing AWS beanstalk container which is defined by cloudformation templates in our synapse-login-aws-infra repo.
We use the AWS EB CLI to deploy.
eb deploy synapse-login-scipooldev --profile my-aws --region us-east-1
We have configured Github Action CI to automatically build, test and deploy the application.
Contributions are welcome
This project has two branches develop
, and prod
. When proposing changes to this project
the workflow is to create a PR against develop branch, merge it there then promote it to
prod branch.
step by step:
- Propose PR to develop branch
- Review and approve the PR then merge it to develop branch
- CI/CD system builds, test, and deploys artifact from develop branch to AWS dev environment in the org-sagebase-scipooldev AWS account
- Manually verify application in dev environment
- Promote to prod environment in org-sagebase-scipoolprod by merging the commit to the prod branch
- CI/CD system deploys to prod environment
- Verify again in prod environment