Bella-Chat-Bot is an advanced chatbot designed specifically for restaurant services. Built using Dialogflow, an Intent Recognition model, Bella-Chat-Bot allows users to seamlessly interact with the restaurant for various tasks related to their orders and restaurant information.
New Orders: Start a new order effortlessly by conversing with the bot.
Modify Orders: Add items to your existing order or remove unwanted items.
Reset Orders: Discard your current order and create a new one.
Submit Orders: Finalize and submit your order to the restaurant.
Order Tracking: Track the status of your submitted order in real-time.
Restaurant Timings: View the operational hours of the restaurant.
Dialogflow: An Intent Recognition Model for intent recognition and natural language understanding.
MySQL: To manage and store order data efficiently.
FASTAPI: A modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python.
HTML & CSS: Simple and clean frontend for user interaction.
ngrok: Used to tunnel local development servers to make them accessible over the internet via HTTPS, required for Dialogflow integration.
git clone
cd Bella-Chat-Bot
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a new MySQL database. Update the database configuration in the backend code.
ngrok http 8000 Copy the HTTPS URL generated by ngrok.
Set up your Dialogflow agent. Use the ngrok HTTPS URL to configure webhook settings in Dialogflow.
uvicorn main:app --reload
Interact with Bella-Chat-Bot via your Dialogflow agent. You can start your interaction by simply saying "hi"! The bot can handle various user intents related to restaurant orders, providing a seamless and efficient ordering experience.