- A backend API for managing book data through CRUD operations using Mongoose for interacting with MongoDB
- Endpoints for adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting book records
- Retrieval of all books or specific books by ID (GET request to /book & /book/:id)
- Error handling and middleware setup for CORS policy enforcement
- Nodejs installed
npm i
to install dependencies:cors, express, mongoose, nodemon
- MongoDB server running locally on default port 27017 (
||brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community
) - run
npm run dev
to execute 'nodemon index.js' - Once server is running on localhost:5555, access the API endpoints using Postman
- View & interact with database using MongoDB Compass or MongoDB Shell, mongosh
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Represents the four basic functions that can be performed on most types of data:
- Create: Allows the creation of new data entries or records in a database.
- Read: Involves retrieving or accessing existing data entries from a database.
- Update: Enables modification or alteration of existing data entries in a database.
- Delete: Involves removing or deleting existing data entries from a database.