SudoGS is a C++ based tool that provides functionalities for generating and solving Sudoku puzzles. The program is designed to be efficient and versatile, offering both puzzle creation and solution-solving capabilities.
SudoGS leverages C++ to create and solve Sudoku puzzles. Whether you're looking to challenge yourself with a new puzzle or need assistance solving one, SudoGS has you covered. The project is aimed at providing a reliable and fast solution for Sudoku enthusiasts.
SudoGS relies on ncurses, so please make sure to install it before building and running SudoGS.
# Using apt
sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev
# Using pacman
sudo pacman -S git ncurses make gcc
# Using yum
sudo yum install ncurses-devel
# Using dnf
sudo dnf install ncurses-devel
To Install SudoGS, follow the steps below.
# Clone the Repository (http)
git clone
# Clone the Repository (ssh)
git clone
# Enter the Project Directory
cd SudoGS
# Compile and Install
sudo make install
# Remove generated Object files
make clean
To run the Generator program, enter the TUI by typing the following command.
# Run the Program
To run the Solver program, enter the TUI by typing the following command.
# Run the Program
Add the help flag to show Usage.
# Show Usage
sudogs --help
Directly generate Sudoku by using the gen flag
# Generate Sudoku directly
# difficulty = [1,2,3,4,5]
sudogs --gen [difficulty]
To Uninstall SudoGS, follow the steps below.
# Uninstall & Delete all
sudo make clean uninstall
- Code Initial Program
- Implement TUI & CLI For User-Interaction
- Use ANSII Escapes or Notcurses
- Better Generation & Solving Algorithm
SudoGS is licensed under the MIT License.
The MIT License is a permissive open-source license that allows for the use, modification, and distribution of the software for any purpose, provided that the original copyright notice and the license text are included with any significant portions of the software or documentation.
For more details, please refer to the MIT License file.