Ying yang is a simple discord.js command handler, it has support for default commands, events, built in command handler and so much more + more planned!
npm i ying-yang
This example below is an example of it in Javascript as ts types are currently in the works!
const YingYang = require("yingyang");
const client = new YingYang({
commandDirectory: `example/commands`, // Your commands directory ( starts from the process cwd )
eventDirectory: `example/events`, // Your events directory ( starts from the process cwd )
addDefaultCommands: true, // Add built in commands
mongoConnection: process.env.MONGODB, // Mongodb URI
defaultPrefix: "!" // A command prefix
client.start({ token: process.env.TOKEN }); // Login the client
const { Command } = require("yingyang");
module.exports = new Command({
name: `ping`,
description: `ping command`,
category: "misc",
aliases: ["p"],
execute: async ({ ctx, client }) => {
ctx.reply({ content: `${client.ws.ping}ms`})