Apart from being a delicious pie, Lemon Meringue Pie is small demo project of UniFFI with Cargo Workspace setup - many creates all using UniFFI that have inter-dependencies on each other.
In its current form, note that this project does NOT make use of any ExternalExport
contrary to what the external type UniFFI guide says we must do. Maybe the guide is outdated? It's of course a good thing that we don't need to state external types in the .udl files, but surprising it works without.
Ran cargo tree --prune uniffi --no-dedupe --package lemon_meringue_pie --format "{lib}"
and then removed "[build-dependencies]" (what is the grep/sed pipe oneliner I'm missing here? :)) yields this tree"
├── chef
│ └── money
├── farm
│ └── money
├── kitchen
│ └── farm
│ └── money
├── lemon_filling
│ ├── farm
│ │ └── money
│ └── kitchen
│ └── farm
│ └── money
├── meringue
│ ├── farm
│ │ └── money
│ └── kitchen
│ └── farm
│ └── money
├── money
└── pastry
├── farm
│ └── money
└── kitchen
└── farm
└── money
brew install kotlin
To run tests in Kotlin you also need to download JNA
curl https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.14.0/jna-5.14.0.jar --output jna-5.14.0.jar
Install direnv
in order to automatically load CLASSPATH
in .envrc
, so that you can run Kotlin bindgen tests from cli using the command in the bottom of this document - i.e. without having to export `CLASSPATH``.
fn bake() {
let chef = Chef::new("Auguste Gusteau".to_owned(), Money::from(50));
let farm = Farm::new(Money::from(200));
let produce = farm.clone().produce();
let kitchen = kitchen_stock_with(produce);
let pie = bake_lemon_meringue_pie(chef.clone(), kitchen);
assert_eq!(chef.clone().balance(), 50);
assert_eq!(farm.clone().balance(), 200);
chef_sell_pie_to_farm(chef.clone(), pie, farm.clone(), 25);
assert_eq!(chef.clone().balance(), 75);
assert_eq!(farm.clone().balance(), 175);
func test() {
let chef = Chef(name: "Auguste Gusteau", money: Money(amount: 50))
let farm = Farm(money: Money(amount: 200))
let produce = farm.produce()
let kitchen = kitchenStockWith(produce: produce)
let pie = bakeLemonMeringuePie(chef: chef, kitchen: kitchen)
assert(chef.balance() == 50)
assert(farm.balance() == 200)
chefSellPieToFarm(chef: chef, pie: pie, farm: farm, price: 25)
assert(chef.balance() == 75)
assert(farm.balance() == 175)
For Kotlin we have to import all packages
import com.sajjon.lemon.meringue.pie.*
import com.sajjon.chef.*
import com.sajjon.money.*
import com.sajjon.farm.*
import com.sajjon.pastry.*
import com.sajjon.meringue.*
import com.sajjon.lemon.filling.*
import com.sajjon.kitchen.*
fun test() {
val chef = Chef(name = "Auguste Gusteau", money = Money(amount = 50u))
val farm = Farm(money = Money(amount = 200u))
val produce = farm.produce()
val kitchen = kitchenStockWith(produce = produce)
val pie = bakeLemonMeringuePie(chef = chef, kitchen = kitchen)
assert(chef.balance() == 50.toULong())
assert(farm.balance() == 200.toULong())
chefSellPieToFarm(chef = chef, pie = pie, farm = farm, price = 25u)
assert(chef.balance() == 75.toULong())
assert(farm.balance() == 175.toULong())