A series of cmdlets that sit on top of the AWS PowerShell cmdlets to help with common AWS related tasks. These cmdlets have been created based primarily on requirements I (Sam Martin) have encountered while working with AWS, and are not intended to cover any specific set of scenarios beyond what I have added.
Depends upon the AWSTestHelper module
You can install from the PowerShell Gallery using the following command.
Install-Module -Name AWSWindowsHelpers
One major use case for this module is the offline Windows Patching of an EC2 instance. This is intended to allow you to patch a manually configured instance which is a single point of failure in an AWS environment with minimal downtime. Obviously, if you are able to, it is preferable to launch a newly patched instance in parallel behind a loadbalancer, and drain connections from the old instance before decommissioning it. However, this is not always possible (e.g. in manually configured AD joined environments).
The below example performs the following actions:
- Creates an AMI of
) - Deploys a new, isolated, test VPC (
) - Launches an instance from the AMI in the new VPC (
) - Deletes the AMI (
) - Runs an SSM command to run a powershell script which: (
)- Creates a scheduled task to run itself on boot.
- Installs chocolatey
- Installs the PSWindowsUpdate module using chocolatey (to allow compatibility with servers which do not have
) - Checks to see if any patches are required.
- Installs any patches required.
- Reboots the server
- Repeats steps iv-vi until no more patches are required
- Once no more patches are required shuts down.
- Waits until the newly launched instance has shutdown (i.e. it has completed patching) (
) - Creates an AMI of the newly patched instance. (
) - Launches an instance with size, subnet, tags, etc. identical to
but with a security group that does not allow inbound OR outbound access to prevent it colliding in AD with the old instance (New-AWSWindowsHelpersReplacementInstance
) - Waits until that instance passes its reachability checks (
) - Swaps security groups between the new and old instances (black holing the old instance) (
) - Swaps the new instance with the old instance in ELB and ELBv2 loadbalancers (
Import-Module AWSWindowsHelpers
Import-Module AWSTestHelper
$CurrentInstanceID = 'i-0210e383e3d655d40'
$Region = 'eu-west-1'
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# Launch a clone of the instance in a separate VPC, update it, and create an AMI from the updated instance.
$UpdatedAMIID = Update-AWSWindowsHelperInstanceToAMI -InstanceID $CurrentInstanceID -Region $Region -NewAMIName $($CurrentInstanceID+"-"+$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss')+'-Updated')
# Launch a new instance from the patched AMI with the same name, tags, subnet, etc. with a black hole Security Group attached
$UpdatedInstance = New-AWSWindowsHelpersReplacementInstance -AMIID $UpdatedAMI -InstanceIDToReplace $CurrentInstanceID -BlackHoleSecurityGroup -Region $region
# Wait for the new (patched) instance to be reachable.
Wait-AWSWindowsHelperInstanceReady -InstanceID $UpdatedInstance.InstanceId -Region $Region
# Give the old unpatched instance the black hole security group, and the new patched instance the security groups the unpatched instance had
Switch-AWSHelperInstanceSecurityGroups -CurrentInstanceID $CurrentInstanceID -ReplacementInstanceID $UpdatedInstance.InstanceId -Region $Region
# Remove the old unpatched instance from its loadbalancers (ELB & ELBv2) and add the new patched instance in its stead
Switch-AWSHelperInstanceInLoadBalancers -CurrentInstanceID $CurrentInstanceID -ReplacementInstanceID $UpdatedInstance.InstanceId -Region $Region
The cmdlets Invoke-AWSWindowsHelperEncryptKMSPlaintext
and Invoke-AWSWindowsHelperDecryptKMSPlaintext
allow you to encrypt and decrypt strings using KMS easily.
$encrypted = Invoke-AWSWindowsHelperEncryptKMSPlaintext -KeyID 347d96af-ea90-456d-9ca7-edecdbb46c42 -PlaintextString "hello!" -Region us-east-1
Invoke-AWSWindowsHelperDecryptKMSPlaintext -Base64Secret $encrypted -Region us-east-1
These cmdlets make working with Route53 a bit easier in powershell.
Set-AWSWindowsHelpersR53RecordSet -HostedZoneID Z9MTZXMHP863H -RecordName testsam2017.example.com. -RecordValue "google.com" -RecordType CNAME -Verbose
# Set a "A" Record with an Alias Target
Set-AWSWindowsHelpersR53RecordSet -HostedZoneID Z9MTZXMHP863H -RecordName testsam2017.example.com. -ARecordAlias -AliasHostedZoneID "Z32O12XQLNT63H" -RecordValue "loadbalancer-dns-name-123456789.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com" -Verbose
Get-AWSWindowsHelperALBTraffic -AWSRegion eu-west-1 -ALBName app/LoadB-3M8KJGY58BE5/059338ed989e015 -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1) -EndTime (Get-Date)
Replaces a specific SSL certificate on all ALB and ELB load balancers for a specified region. If a ACM certificate is specified in either the original or replacement parameter ARN then the region is inferred from the ARN. If only IAM certificates ARNs are supplied a region must be given.
Update-AWSWindowsHelpersLoadBalancerCertificate -originalCertARN "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/2017_wild_example_com" -replacementCertARN "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789012:certificate/0e460187-a4b4-452f-a88b-c1d17dfaf749"
Converts a hashtable to the Parameter data type expected by the parameter "Parameter" of the New-CFNStack cmdlet. The UsePreviousValue property is set to true for values processed by this cmdlet.
$CFNStackParameters = @{
"AMILookupStackName" = "aws-amilookup-stack"
"InstanceType" = "t2.micro"
"WindowsVersion" = "Windows Server 2012 R2 English 64-bit"
$Params = @{
StackName = "cloudformation-stack-name"
Parameter = $CFNStackParameters | ConvertTo-AWSWindowsHelperCFNParameter
TemplateBody = $TemplateBody
region = "eu-west-1"
EnableTerminationProtection = $true
CloudformationStackARN = New-CFNStack @Params
- Sam Martin (samjackmartin@gmail.com)
- Oliver Li (oliverli@hotmail.co.uk)
- Bindu Massey (bindu.massey@hotmail.co.uk)