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(function main() {
var Jedi = {
+ Hey hey guys!
Firstly, make sure to visit my interactive CV with Yoda (this.codepen) and also watch my short video CV, because it has lots of info about my projects, skills and experiences. And finally, you can checkout my .pdf resume.
Website / Source code (HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, D3.js, R)
For a few months I've been working on this open source project. 15K+ people responded all over the world, granting researchers an unprecedented glimpse into how adults are learning to code.
My roles:
- organize and manage the working process (PM) List of interesting visualizations
- help to clean database (R) Issue / PR comments
- analyze the data (R & Excel) List of interesting facts
- make bar charts and other visualizations (D3.js) ScatterPlots / BarCharts / PR / PR
- give feedback to other members (UX) Issue / PR comments / ChatRoom
Website / Source code (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap)
I've developed my personal website from scratch (no templates) using a bit of bootstrap.
It's fully responsive, and I used the best practices - "don't set certain common break points for screens (media), instead just scale the width and fix all problems that occur".
However, it's desktop-first, because more than 95% visitors use desktop.
View / Source code (HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, D3.js)
My goal was to create very clean and well-documented reusable code for bar charts as a template with different formats, that can be easily embeded into the website and can be used in other projects.
There are three different formats and all bar charts are responsive (on page resfresh).
View / Source code (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JSON, API, Stylus)
View / Source code (HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery)
The idea was to create a very fancy and interesting UI to push my CSS skills forward.
View / Source code (HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, Back-End)
The goal was to create a calculator that won't have any bugs unlike most others and will have a similar logic to Windows Standart Calculator. For that I've made a check-list to test calculators.
- Warning: it's one of my first codes, so it's very messy. But it does the job.
- Btw, try to bug it and send me a "User console", which is a part of UI.
Other links:
return Jedi;