This project is an animated website clone inspired by Richard Ekvonye's design, built using HTML, CSS for styling, JavaScript for DOM manipulation, GSAP for advanced animations, Locomotive Scroll for smooth scrolling effects, and ScrollTrigger for triggering animations based on scroll events.
- Demo
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Animations
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
There is no live demo available for this project.
- Animated sections inspired by Richard Ekvonye's design
- Smooth scrolling effects with Locomotive Scroll
- Advanced animations using GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)
- Scroll-triggered animations with ScrollTrigger
- Responsive design with HTML and CSS
- JavaScript
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)
- Locomotive Scroll
- ScrollTrigger
Clone the repository:
git clone cd richard-ekvonye-clone
in your web browser to view the project.
- Explore the animated sections inspired by Richard Ekvonye's design.
- Scroll through the website to experience smooth scrolling effects and scroll-triggered animations.
- Observe the use of GSAP for complex animations and Locomotive Scroll for smooth scrolling behavior.