🌟 Sumanth Samala's Netflix inspired Portfolio 🌟 - https://sumanthsamala.com/
Welcome to my personal portfolio project! 🚀 This website showcases my work, skills, and experiences in web development. It's designed to be lightweight, customizable, and professional while maintaining an approachable style.
Explore specific subdomains tailored to different tech stacks:
- 🌟 java.sumanthsamala.com for Java Spring Boot-related work.
- 🌟 node.sumanthsamala.com for Node.js and backend development.
- 🌟 frontend.sumanthsamala.com for frontend development expertise.
- 🌟 ror.sumanthsamala.com for Ruby on Rails projects.
- 🌍 Dynamic Content: Powered by DatoCMS for easy content management.
- ⚡ Fast & Responsive: Built with modern web technologies for seamless performance.
- 🎨 Customizable: Modular and easy to adapt to your own needs.
- 📈 Professional Yet Personal: Highlights projects, skills, and achievements.
- 🎨 It can support various por
This portfolio is built with love and:
- ⚛️ React (Frontend)
- ☁️ AWS S3 & CloudFront (Hosting and CDN)
- 🖌️ Tailwind CSS (Styling)
- 🛡️ DatoCMS (Content Management)
- 🧩 Other Cool Tools: GitHub Actions
If you find this project helpful or inspiring, give it a ⭐ on GitHub—it means the world to me! 🌟
Happy coding! 💻✨
Want to set this up locally? Follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository: Copy the repository to your local system.
- Install Dependencies: Use a package manager to install the required dependencies.
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
After upgrading Node.js, clear your node_modules and reinstall:
rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean --force
npm install
- Configure Environment Variables: Create a
file and set up the necessary API keys and configurations. - Run the Project: Start the development server.
npm start
Contributions are welcome and appreciated! 🥳 To contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
- Commit your changes with a descriptive message.
- Push your changes to your branch.
- Open a Pull Request. 🎉
Found a bug? Have a feature in mind? 🤔 Feel free to raise an issue or suggest a feature!
- Go to the Issues tab in the repository.
- Click New Issue.
- Provide a clear description of the bug or feature request.
- If applicable, include screenshots or steps to reproduce the issue.
Your feedback is valuable and helps make this project better for everyone. Thank you for contributing!
- Thanks to DatoCMS for powering the dynamic content.
- Inspired by countless developers in the open-source community. 💻
- Special shoutout to all contributors—you rock! 🤘
- 💼 Portfolio Website
- 📧 Email: chintusamala96@gmail.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it, modify it, and share it! 🌈