This application is a form builder that receives the field names and default values from the user as long as the user wants and creates a simple form using "Label" and "Entry".
By clicking the "submit" button, the information is saved in a text file in the project path.
This project is written in Python and its user interface is implemented by "tkinter".
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Entry, Button
class Form:
commision_form = Form()
while True:
attribute_name = input("Please enter attribute name: ")
attribute_value = input("Please enter attribute value: ")
setattr(commision_form, attribute_name, attribute_value)
if input("Do want continue[Y,N]: ").upper() == "N":
window = Tk()
window.title("Dynamic Form")
entry_list = []
row_number = 0
for key, value in commision_form.__dict__.items():
label_form = Label(window, text=key)
label_form.grid(column=0, row=row_number, pady=5, padx=5)
entry_form = Entry(window, width=50)
entry_form.insert(0, value)
entry_form.grid(column=1, row=row_number, pady=5, padx=5)
entry_list.append({f"{key}": entry_form})
row_number += 1
def submit():
data = ""
for entry_dict in entry_list:
for name, entry in entry_dict.items():
data += f"{name}:{entry.get()},"
with open("FormData.txt", mode="w") as file:
submit_button = Button(window, text="Submit", command=submit)
submit_button.grid(row=row_number, column=1, pady=5, padx=5)
Please enter attribute name: First Name
Please enter attribute value: Samira
Do want continue[Y,N]: y
Please enter attribute name: Last Name
Please enter attribute value: Siavash
Do want continue[Y,N]: y
Please enter attribute name: Username
Please enter attribute value: Siavash1
Do want continue[Y,N]: y
Please enter attribute name: Password
Please enter attribute value: 123456
Do want continue[Y,N]: n