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Email Microsservice for a email service application with RabbitMQ and Spring Framewrok


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Email Microservice - [EMAIL]

🚀 🟧 Email Microservice 🟧 🚀

Email Microservice of an Email Messenger System based on @MichelliBrito's classes

|   Overview   |    Technologies   |    Project   |   Routes   |    Run   |   Author   |   

| 🛰️ About:

This application is an implementation of a Microservices Architecture using RabbitMQ for queue communication and the best practices of Clean Architecture, SOLID and DDD, all documented. Use Docker to handle the entire system structure.

:octocat: | User Microservice: [ ]

| 🏗️ - Technologies and Concepts Studied:

  • Spring Framework
  • RabbitMQ
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • Microservice
  • Communication Between Microservices
  • Email SMTP
  • Maven
  • REST
  • Swagger
  • Validation
  • Lombok
  • Environment
  • Clean Architeture
  • DDD
  • JUnit
  • H2 Database
  • Error Handler

Among Others...

💻 | Application:

Giving an overview, this architecture is divided into User Microservice and Email Microservice, each with its own databases, communication between them occurs through a broker which in this case is based on asynchronous queues managed by RabbitMQ

🕺 | User

:shipit: | Repository: [ ]

The main function of User Microservice is to list and register users in a database. When a user is saved in this MS, it publishes this event to the broker.

📧 | Email

:shipit: | Repository: [ ]

The main function of the Email Microservice is to send a welcome email to new users, for this it listens to the broker, when a created user event is published this MS consumes this event and sends an email to this new created user welcoming .

📮 | Broker

The broker is an intermediary between microservices, it receives events and store in a Queue Data Structure that is triggered and can be consumed by other microservices that are waiting for it to react.

🌱 | Example

👨‍💻 | How to use

Open your Git Terminal and clone this repository

  $ git clone ""

Make Pull

  $ git pull ""

This application use Docker so you dont need to install and cofigurate anything other than docker on your machine.

Navigate to project folder and run it using docker-compose

  # After setup docker environment just run this commmand on root project folder:

  $ docker-compose up --build   # For First Time run this command

  $ docker-compose up           # to run project

  #Apps Running on:

  $ USER: http://localhost:8080 - [MICROSERVICE] | [USER]
  $ EMAIL: http://localhost:8081 - [MICROSERVICE] | [EMAIL]
  $ SWAGGER: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html - [DOCS]

  $ PostgreSQL: http://localhost:5431 - [DATABASE] | [USER]
  $ PostgreSQL: http://localhost:5432 - [DATABASE] | [EMAIL]
  $ PGAdmin: http://localhost:5050 - [DATABASE] | [VIEW]

  $ RabbitMQ: :5672 - [BROKER]  
  $ RabbitMQ: http://localhost:15672 - [BROKER] | [VIEW]

  See more: docker-compose.yaml

:octocat: | Author:

- Samuel Ricardo


Email Microsservice for a email service application with RabbitMQ and Spring Framewrok







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