Spring-Rocket is a preconfigured Spring-Boot 2 project with some very important and often used features. This project was built to save a lot of time on the standard features.
Just clone and start building your app.
- Java 17
- Gradle 7.4.2
- Spring-Boot 2.6.7
- Auditing
- Caching
- JSON Web Token Authentication
- Open API
- Swagger UI
- Multi profiles for dev, prod
- SQL File Data Migration
- Micrometer
- Actuator
- Apache log4j2 Logging
- i18n
- Docker support
- Liquibase
gradlew clean assemble
gradlew bootRun
gradlew test
* Developer Port: 8081
* Production Port: 8080
Swagger URL: http://localhost:8081/api/swagger-ui.html
You need to use /users/signup
endpoint to create a user.
As a response you will get something like this.
{ "jsonWebToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzdHJpbmciLCJhdXRoIjpbeyJhdXRob3JpdHkiOiJST0xFX0FETUlOIn1dLCJpYXQiOjE2MTg2ODU1NjYsImV4cCI6MTYxODY4OTE2Nn0.m4lGuZjkjKIOiSg43QunGWs2Scf3e9Yu40__OMPsZ6I" }
Copy your jsonWebToken, click on authorize and paste "YOUR_TOKEN" without "Bearer" as prefix. Now you are authenticated and can use all endpoints.
Every modern project should have Docker support. Spring-Rocket already configured to start inside a Docker container.
Build your docker image with (easy but slow, no dockerfile required)
./gradlew bootBuildImage
For some fine tuning of your image you need to modify the gradle task in build.gradle.
Instead of a packer, use this command instead
docker build -t spring-rocket:latest .
Run your docker image with run "${project.name}:${project.version}" e.g.
docker run spring-rocket:latest
You need to enable Liquibase with following command.
You will find a blueprint in applicaiton-development.properties