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Practical algorithm for calculating the genus of a graph


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A Practical Algorithm for Graph Embedding (PAGE)


A famous problem at the intersection of topology and combinatorial graph theory is the Utility Problem. Say you have three houses and three utilities and you need to connect each house to each utility via a wire. Is there a way to do this without the wires crossing? In terms of graph theory, this is asking whether K3,3 is planar. It is known that it is not. In fact K3,3 is toroidal meaning while it cannot be embedded on a plane without edges crossing, it can be embedded on a torus:

K3,3 Torus Embedding

The characterizing property of a torus that allows us to embed K3,3 is that it has a hole (unlike surfaces such as a plane or a sphere). This motivates classifying surfaces by their number of holes, that is, their genus g. The genus of a graph G is then simply the genus of the minimum genus surface on which G can be embedded without edges crossing. For genus zero we use the special name planar and for genus one we use toroidal. Calculating the genus of a graph has a number of applications, particularly in the design of integrated circuits, study of graph minors, VLSI design, infrastructure planning, and more.

Properties of this algorithm

This repo contains a fast algorithm for calculating the genus of arbitrary graphs. It has a number of properties that make it practical for real-world use:

  1. Verification: The algorithm outputs not only the genus but also the corresponding rotation system that defines the surface embedding that achieves this minimum genus. This allows for easy verification of the result both via a Python script and visually:

19 cycles

  1. Progressively Narrowing Bounds: The algorithm iterates through possible embeddings and progressively narrows the bounds on the genus. This allows for early stopping if only an estimate is needed.

  2. Simplicity of Implementation: While there exist more efficient algorithms for certain graph families (e.g., multi_genus does better on lower genus high degree graphs), this algorithm is much simpler to implement (can be done in a few dozen lines of Python or a few hundred lines of C).

  3. Scales Well With Genus: The algorithm can handle graphs with high genus much better than existing algorithms. It can for instance complete the (3, 10) Cages in a few minutes whereas SageMath doesn't finish in weeks and multi_genus takes hours. It does not, however, scale as well with degree as multi_genus for low genus graphs, so there is a tradeoff and the optimal algorithm depends on both the genus and degree of the graph.

  4. Easily Parallelizable: The algorithm can be easily parallelized since a parallelizable cycle finding algorithm is chosen and the search needs to go through each possible start cycle (which can be done in parallel). This allows for a speedup proportional to the number of cores available.


The easiest way is to use the hosted version. This won't be as fast as running it locally and I can't guarantee it will always be up, but it should allow you to explore the algorithm. You can also self-host the web application by installing docker and running cd WebApp followed by . ./ This will start the web application on localhost:8080.

To run the python scripts you must have SageMath installed and select the SageMath kernel in Jupyter/VS Code/whatever you use.

To run the C program for any graph, cd CalcGenus and run S="0" DEG="3" ADJ="adjacency_lists/3-8-cage.txt" make run. This will compile the C program and run it. The output will be in CalcGenus.out. The format of the adjacency lists is the number of vertices and number of edges on the first line followed by the neighbors of each vertex on the following lines. See the examples in CalcGenus/adjacency_lists/. Use MallocStackLogging=1 S="0" DEG="3" ADJ="adjacency_lists/3-8-cage.txt" leaks -quiet -atExit -- ./CalcGenus to check for memory leaks on macOS.

Time Complexity

Let n be the size of the vertex set V and m the size of the edge set E. Let G be the girth of the graph.

The algorithm in this repository is roughly O(n(4^m/n)^(n/G)). It has some optimizations that allows it to stop early not captured in the below analysis.

  • Upper bound on the number of directed trails of length k: 2m choose k = (2m)!/k!/(2m-k)! which is bounded above by \sqrt{\frac{1}{2\pi}}\frac{\left(2m\right)^{\left(2m+\frac{1}{2}\right)}}{k^{\left(k+\frac{1}{2}\right)}\left(2m-k\right)^{\left(2m-k+\frac{1}{2}\right)}} as seen in Bob Gallager's Information Theory and Reliable Communications. This is maximized for k=m where it simplifies to 4^m/\sqrt{\pi m}. A simpler but less tight bound is 2m choose k <= (2em/k)^k.

  • The number of directed trails of any length is O(4^m) because it is the sum of the values in the 2mth row of Pascal's triangle.

  • This can also be used to upper bound the number of non-backtracking closed directed trails which is what our trail finding algorithm enumerates. Let c be the number of trails enumerated by our trail finding algorithm.

  • Organizing the c trails by vertex is O(2mc) < O(2m4^m) since each trail has at most 2m edges.

  • Finding the most used vertex to explore: O(n) by iterating through the vertices (overall time complexity is better when write is kept O(1))

  • Looking up the cycles that use a vertex: O(1) via hashset lookup

  • Checking if a cycle is used: O(1) via hashset lookup

  • Checking if the edges of a cycle are used: O(m) by storing the edges used in a hashset

  • Checking if adding cycle breaks rotation system: O(m) by storing the current rotation with the adjacency list

  • Search iteration (f = implied fit, b = cycles by vertex >= u = unused >= a = w/ edges available >= d = rotation valid): T(f) = O(n) + O(1) + b O(1) + u O(m) + a O(m) + d T(f-1); T(0) = 0 => O(d^f * (n + b + um + am)) = O(d^f * (n + b + m(u + a))) < O(b^(f + 2))

  • All search iterations (h = number of start cycles to try out < 4^m): O(b^(f + 2) * h) < O((4^m / n)^(n/G) * 4^m) = O(n(4^m/n)^(n/G)).

The algorithm is particularly advantageous for high girth graphs such as the cage family of graphs.

Practical Performance

The genus for various cage graphs using the adjacency lists from Number (# links to adjacency list), valency (k), girth (g), vertices (v), edges (e), size of the automorphism group (|G|), genus, computation time for the genus (time), computation time for the genus using SageMath (SM time), and computation time using multi_genus.c (MG time).

# k g v e |G| genus time (s) SM time (s) MG time (s)
1/1 3 3 4 6 24 0 0.008 0.004 0.006
1/1 3 4 6 9 72 1 0.008 0.039 0.006
1/1 3 5 10 15 120 1 0.008 0.027 0.006
1/1 3 6 14 21 336 1 0.008 0.010 0.006
1/1 3 7 24 36 32 2 0.010 1.737 0.006
1/1 3 8 30 45 1440 4 0.032 118.958 0.012
1/18 3 9 58 87 4 7 1.954 days 29.084
2/18 3 9 58 87 2 7 7.666 days 30.909
3/18 3 9 58 87 24 7 99.05 days 25.993
4/18 3 9 58 87 4 7 2.251 days 54.396
5/18 3 9 58 87 4 7 1.918 days 67.89
6/18 3 9 58 87 2 7 0.436 days 45.310
7/18 3 9 58 87 1 7 1.331 days 37.257
8/18 3 9 58 87 2 7 0.973 days 42.843
9/18 3 9 58 87 1 7 2.137 days 34.437
10/18 3 9 58 87 2 7 0.670 days 86.54
11/18 3 9 58 87 1 7 0.525 days 54.990
12/18 3 9 58 87 2 7 2.439 days 51.589
13/18 3 9 58 87 1 7 3.047 days 32.340
14/18 3 9 58 87 12 7 0.756 days 30.824
15/18 3 9 58 87 8 7 0.992 days 44.888
16/18 3 9 58 87 2 7 0.817 days 57.890
17/18 3 9 58 87 6 7 169.66 days 140.50
18/18 3 9 58 87 6 7 1.083 days 47.737
1/3 3 10 70 105 120 9 36.531 DNF 9354.14
2/3 3 10 70 105 24 9 44.043 DNF 9556.13
3/3 3 10 70 105 80 9 37.058 DNF 10680.89
1/1 3 11 112 168 64 [14, 19] days DNF days
1/1 3 12 126 189 12096 17 254.45 DNF days
1/1 4 5 19 38 24 4 0.047 days 0.019
1/1 4 6 26 52 11232 6 0.288 DNF 0.013
1/? 4 7 67 134 4 [16, 21] days DNF days
1/1 4 8 80 160 51840 [21, 27] days DNF days
1/? 4 12 728 1456 8491392 [244, 363] DNF DNF too big for bit operations
1/4 5 5 30 75 120 [9, 10] days DNF days
2/4 5 5 30 75 20 [9, 13] days DNF days
3/4 5 5 30 75 30 [9, 14] days DNF days
4/4 5 5 30 75 96 [9, 14] days DNF days
1/1 5 6 42 105 241920 [15, 17] days DNF days
1/1 5 8 170 425 3916800 [76, 126] DNF DNF too big for bit operations
1/? 5 12 2730 6825 503193600 [1480, 2048] OOM DNF too big for bit operations
1/1 6 5 40 120 480 [17, 22] days DNF days
1/1 6 6 62 186 744000 [32, 60] DNF DNF DNF
1/1 6 8 312 936 9360000 [196, 310] DNF DNF too big for bit operations
1/? 6 12 7812 23436 5859000000 [5860, 7810] OOM DNF too big for bit operations
1/1 7 5 50 175 252000 [29, 39] DNF DNF DNF
1/1 7 6 90 315 15120 [61, 110] DNF DNF DNF

The genus for various complete graphs generated using the CompleteGraph function in SageMath follows.

# k g v e |G| genus time (s) SM time (s) MG time (s)
k2 1 Inf 2 1 2 0 --- 0.004 ---
k3 2 3 3 3 6 0 0.008 0.004 0.008
k4 3 3 4 6 24 0 0.008 0.003 0.008
k5 4 3 5 10 120 1 0.008 0.005 0.008
k6 5 3 6 15 720 1 0.008 0.023 0.008
k7 6 3 7 21 5040 1 0.009 days 0.009
k8 7 3 8 28 40320 2 2.885 DNF 0.008
k9 8 3 9 36 362880 3 days DNF 0.008

The genus for various complete bipartite graphs generated using the CompleteBipartiteGraph function in SageMath follows. Number (# links to adjacency list), valency (k), girth (g), vertices (v), edges (e), size of the automorphism group (|G|), genus, computation time for the genus (time), and computation time for the genus using SageMath (SM time).

# k g v e |G| genus time (s) SM time (s) MG time (s)
k3-3 3 4 6 9 72 1 0.009 0.047 0.006
k4-4 4 4 8 16 1152 1 0.009 0.010 0.010
k5-5 5 4 10 25 28800 3 0.073 DNF 0.008
k6-6 6 4 12 36 1036800 4 0.015 DNF 0.009

The genus for various complete n-partite graphs generated using the CompleteMultipartiteGraph function in SageMath follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
k2-2 4 4 0 0.007 0.008
k2-2-2 6 12 0 0.009 0.009
k2-2-2-2 8 24 1 0.008 0.009
k2-2-2-2-2 10 40 3 0.144 0.009

The genus for various Johnson graphs generated using Mathematica follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
Johnson (5, 2) 10 30 2 0.112 0.009
Johnson (6, 2) 15 60 [4, 5] hours hours
Johnson (6, 3) 20 90 [7, 9] hours hours
Johnson (8, 4) 70 560 [60,238] days too big for bit operations
Johnson (9, 4) 70 560 [148,558] days too big for bit operations

The genus for various Circulant graphs generated using Mathematica follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
C10_1,2,5 10 25 1 0.012 0.007
C10_1,2,4,5 10 35 3 9.164 0.023
C14_1,2,3,6 14 48 4 hours 0.896
C15_1,5 15 30 1 hours 0.006
C16_1,7 16 32 1 0.008 0.014
C18_1,3,9 18 45 4 hours 0.021
C20_1,3,5 20 60 6 0.443 13.698
C20_1,6,9 20 60 6 0.031 20.637
C21_1,4,5 21 63 1 0.008 0.008
C26_1,3,9 26 78 [8, 27] hours hours
C30_1,9,11 30 90 [9, 31] hours hours
C30_1,4,11,14 30 120 [16, 20] hours hours
C31_1,5,6 31 93 1 0.008 0.006
C20_* 20 110 [10, 17] hours hours

The genus for various Cyclotomic graphs generated using Mathematica follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
16 16 40 4 0.513 0.042
19 19 57 1 0.008 0.010
31 31 155 [12,58] hours hours
61 61 610 [73,265] days too big for bit operations
67 67 737 [91,325] days too big for bit operations

The genus for various DifferenceSetIncidence graphs generated using Mathematica follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
11,5,2 22 55 5 hours 1.770
40,13,4 80 520 [91,214] hours too big for bit operations

The genus for various Bipartite Kneser graphs generated using Mathematica follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
Bipartite Kneser (6, 2) 30 90 [9,28] days days
Bipartite Kneser (7, 2) 42 210 [33,80] days days
Bipartite Kneser (8, 2) 56 420 [78,175] days days
Bipartite Kneser (8, 3) 112 560 [85,143] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (9, 2) 72 756 [154,332] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (9, 3) 168 1680 [337,338] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (10, 2) 90 1260 [271,572] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (10, 3) 240 4200 [931,1963] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (10, 4) 420 3150 [579,1358] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (11, 2) 110 1980 [441,918] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (11, 3) 330 9240 [2146,4428] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (11, 4) 660 11550 [2558,5428] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (12, 2) 132 2970 [677,1397] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (12, 3) 440 18480 [4401,8979] days too big for bit operations
Bipartite Kneser (12, 4) 990 34650 ? adjacency list too large to load too big for bit operations

The genus for various miscellaneous graphs generated using Mathematica follows.

# v e genus time (s) MG time (s)
Klein Bottle 9 27 2 0.152 0.006
TRC 84 126 3 hours 0.006


Austin did the main work in deciphering the math and checking the solutions manually. He also contributed intellectually to the ideas behind the algorithm.

The CalcCycles programs were written by Sam King and used to check the results of the algorithm for the Balaban 10 Cage.

Credit to the rest of the recreational math group at the University of Washington for input on the programs/math and for providing computational resources for experimentation.

Thanks to Professor Steinerberger for guidance on the project, and thanks to Professor Brinkmann for providing a fast SoTA algorithm multi_genus to compare against and recommendations for visualizing results.
