Updated as of Jan 26th 2025
- Data is no longer copied to animator struct when setting animations.
- Animator update functions now require a vbmmodel as an argument.
- Added support for animation easing - Transforms can blend into the next animation with `VBM_Animator_LayerSetEaseTime()`
Preview for swing bones and checkout-based export queues.
The vbm file format is subject to change, meaning models exported using this release may not be supported with the next.
- Blender Addon
- Rewritten from scratch focused on Blender 4.x support.
- Attribute byte option moved to a boolean.
- Queues have a checkout list for more customizable exports.
- Bone mask option added to action exports.
- Added option to replace materials during export.
- Textures can now be packed into model file.
- GMS2 Package
- Rewritten from scratch focused on data-driven style.
- Added basic support for dynamic bone animation.
contains the addon and GMS2 package, along with the README containing installation instructions.
contains a GMS2 project file with examples of using vertex buffers and loading VBM data.