Fraazo is an online food and grocery shopping platform, where the users can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, oats, and kitchen staples directly from the ease of their home.
This is a shopping site which is the clone of It is basically for electronic products like laptops ,mobiles ,headphones and many more gadgets. Tech stacks used:- Technologies We Used
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Browser LocalStorage
- npm and JSON Server
- SignIn and SignUp functionality.
- Navbar for easy navigation between pages.
- Search Products functionality and Geolocation
- Product Page with lots of filtering and Sorting options.
- Detailed product page with add-to-cart functionality.
- Cart page to manage product lists that user wants to buy.
- Checkout page calculates the shipping prices dynamically and the Payment page with many payment options.
- My Order page to track ordered Products.
Screenshots A glimpse of our website
Landing page
product page
Login page