This repository contains automated tests for the Forbes Official Website, automating the most important test cases of the web page.
- - Java v.20.0.2
- - NPM v.10.8.1
- NPX v.10.8.1
- VSCODE Cucumber Extension
We are using as POM
features = "cypress/features" -> This directory contains '.feature' files that describe the web features in a human-readable format. These files use Gherkin syntax.
functions = "cypress/functions" -> This directory can contain helper functions that you can use in your step definitions or anywhere else in your tests.
fixtures = "cypress/fixtures" -> Fixtures are files used to manage and organize test data.
support = "cypress/support" -> This directory is used to set up global behaviors that apply to all your tests, or to define custom Cypress commands. Also the step_definitions inside contains the files that define the steps used in your '.feature' files. Each step is a function that gets executed when the corresponding step in a '.feature'.
To install al the dependencies after installing pre-requisites:
- npm i
To run the test, open the console and run the command:
- npx cypress open