Click here or press the play button to watch a gameplay demo video
- At the start of each round, a rat is randomly selected out of the players in the game
- All players receive the same secret word from the grid, except for the rat
- All players then take turns to provide a clue related to the secret word in order to convince others that they are not the rat, without revealing the word to the rat. The rat also gives a clue based on their estimation of the secret word.
- All players (including the rat) then vote on who they think the rat is, and the rat guesses what the secret word is.
- If the rat correctly guesses the secret word, they earn 1 point
- If the rat does not receive the most votes, they earn 1 point
- If the rat does not receive any votes, they earn 1 point
- If the rat receives the most votes, all players (except the rat) earn 1 point
- If a player that is not the rat correctly votes for the rat, they earn 1 point
- If the rat does not correctly guess the secret word, all players (except the rat) earn 1 point
Click Here to View the Front-End README
Click Here to View the Back-End README
- Install Node version 20.12.2 (If you have a different version of node installed on your machine, install version 20.12.2 through and then set it as the active version)
- Install Firebase CLI v13.7.2 for hosting and deployment purposes by running
npm install -g firebase-tools@13.7.2
in terminal
npm run start
- Starts the front-end development servernpm run app-deploy
- Builds & deploys the front-end to firebase hosting and back-end to firebase cloud functionsnpm run app-install
- Installs all dependencies in all sub-directories