dfa50d1 Sarthak | Adds DateTimeFormatter. This will be used in provide a scalar function for parsing date/time
aeef558 Sarthak | Adds ErrorMessages
ebe139f Sarthak | Adds OS specific files for getting timestamps
df47ce1 Sarthak | Adds Source abstraction in parser
7432a93 Sarthak | Adds Tasks
9e416ac Sarthak | Adds Tokens and TokenIterator
7bb8304 Sarthak | Adds a .gitignore file
b647962 Sarthak | Adds a README
7c8fc49 Sarthak | Adds a Tokenizer
af52267 Sarthak | Adds a Value type to represent the value from file attributes / functions
2e2db19 Sarthak | Adds a check to ensure only supported functions are used in where clause
e5c7e81 Sarthak | Adds a command to get the description of an attribute
1816c01 Sarthak | Adds a condition in Order
cab0cee Sarthak | Adds a condition in order by parsing
29729d5 Sarthak | Adds a condition to handle 0 as the order by position
8f8f466 Sarthak | Adds a couple of error cases for parser
ac448f6 Sarthak | Adds a couple of intergation tests in SelectQueryExecutor to assert ordering
f14d308 Sarthak | Adds a couple of tests for nesting of aggregate functions
85b211f Sarthak | Adds a couple of tests to check case-insensitivity
abfa13e Sarthak | Adds a few integration tests for select query with where clause
19048c8 Sarthak | Adds a file in .gitignore
b7628af Sarthak | Adds a flag to export in table, html or json format
9eec023 Sarthak | Adds a footer line in html formatter
43091b0 Sarthak | Adds a footer line in html formatter
a2a202b Sarthak | Adds a footer line in table formatter
cdea7de Sarthak | Adds a license
b9d2803 Sarthak | Adds a new command to list the supported time formats.c
a46781e Sarthak | Adds a select query executor
6bdeb34 Sarthak | Adds a table formatter
8b70e66 Sarthak | Adds a task
96e643a Sarthak | Adds a task
bf44fdb Sarthak | Adds a task
3b88a7a Sarthak | Adds a task
467d2ea Sarthak | Adds a task, and a test to check add function with count function inside it
2abcda5 Sarthak | Adds a test for nesting an aggregate functions inside a scalar
c1704fe Sarthak | Adds a test for projection
ed28199 Sarthak | Adds a test for source
848e9ad Sarthak | Adds a test for table formatter
cd0302e Sarthak | Adds an alias for execute
c6ace2e Sarthak | Adds an error case in order by
4ae9bb3 Sarthak | Adds an error condition in order
7c6b910 Sarthak | Adds an integration test for parser
27495a7 Sarthak | Adds an integration test to check date/time comparison
da1995b Sarthak | Adds another alias for absolute path
433b833 Sarthak | Adds another test for Source
22bd418 Sarthak | Adds another test for concatWs function
e56ee35 Sarthak | Adds another test for tokenizer
494bab2 Sarthak | Adds build status in READMe
7b14855 Sarthak | Adds build.yml
bcc825f Sarthak | Adds cobra for CLI
c4f7185 Sarthak | Adds coloredcobra
3b9e40d Sarthak | Adds conditions to handle , in projections
8547794 Sarthak | Adds context page to encapsulate the information about all attributes and functions
6268590 Sarthak | Adds count as a behavior in projections
2b2dd2d Sarthak | Adds error handling for inaccessible directory
6eb788f Sarthak | Adds execute CLI command
6441fa5 Sarthak | Adds github link to the documentation
41a8901 Sarthak | Adds
0c08dec Sarthak | Adds goarch section
0bd86c2 Sarthak | Adds golangci-lint in build.yml
ba6f7cb Sarthak | Adds greaterThan function
0783c78 Sarthak | Adds integration tests for add, subtract, multiply and divide functions
46248fc Sarthak | Adds integration tests for nesting of aggregate functions
cc14eac Sarthak | Adds ioutil in a test to see if golangci-lint is working in the pipeline or not
412a527 Sarthak | Adds listAttributes as a CLI command
e95d784 Sarthak | Adds listFunctions as a CLI command
bdcfcf3 Sarthak | Adds listWhereClauseFunctions as a CLI command
22a1056 Sarthak | Adds little more description to goselect command
bc91b7a Sarthak | Adds minimum number of parameters for concat and concatws
614eba7 Sarthak | Adds platform package
8388d86 Sarthak | Adds println to debug the failure in pipeline
026fef1 Sarthak | Adds support blocksize and blocks attributes
67b58f9 Sarthak | Adds support created/modified/accessed time
adeb4bd Sarthak | Adds support for and function
51dfbc7 Sarthak | Adds support for average function
614d747 Sarthak | Adds support for basename attribute, that is only the file name
3014341 Sarthak | Adds support for concatWs function
2ff29d5 Sarthak | Adds support for count distinct
ec705b2 Sarthak | Adds support for current working directory function
ea94e6f Sarthak | Adds support for day difference function
231e61d Sarthak | Adds support for file writer and a flag -p to provide directory path
3f62a9e Sarthak | Adds support for functions in projections
bb7c596 Sarthak | Adds support for getting function description
14945b5 Sarthak | Adds support for greater equal function
49598e9 Sarthak | Adds support for hour difference function
369ab6b Sarthak | Adds support for identity function
54634ac Sarthak | Adds support for isDirectory and isFile attributes
b6f72b4 Sarthak | Adds support for isHidden attribute
3a1e19c Sarthak | Adds support for isSymbolicLink attribute
a5c5208 Sarthak | Adds support for json writer
317cb3f Sarthak | Adds support for less than
d816c2f Sarthak | Adds support for less than equal function
082e78d Sarthak | Adds support for like function
b45f718 Sarthak | Adds support for limit clause
c7c76fc Sarthak | Adds support for limit in SelectQueryExecutor
176d015 Sarthak | Adds support for limiting the rows after order by
4f9f83a Sarthak | Adds support for max function
7dced17 Sarthak | Adds support for min function
a5d6fa3 Sarthak | Adds support for not equal function
7e3e0c3 Sarthak | Adds support for not function
b5db36e Sarthak | Adds support for now() function
42eb4d9 Sarthak | Adds support for or function
6c326c5 Sarthak | Adds support for order by
2135546 Sarthak | Adds support for parsedatetime
54e645d Sarthak | Adds support for path and absolute path attributes
9ff9b58 Sarthak | Adds support for projection position in order by
1c686ad Sarthak | Adds support for providing a configuration option to traverse nested directories
8b694ce Sarthak | Adds support for reading a directory recursively
616a6b3 Sarthak | Adds support for replace and replaceall functions
3791779 Sarthak | Adds support for running nested aggregate functions
355ed69 Sarthak | Adds support for sum function
eb9ca4b Sarthak | Adds support isEmpty attribute
ea113e0 Sarthak | Adds support user/group/others permission
f8950b3 Sarthak | Adds tasks
e06b320 Sarthak | Adds tests for CompareTo of value
caa4955 Sarthak | Adds tests for CompareTo of value
234521f Sarthak | Adds tests for FileAttributes
2fcf321 Sarthak | Adds tests for average at the level of functions
5c0d771 Sarthak | Adds tests for error cases for replace and replaceall
1c5567c Sarthak | Adds tests for evaluating expression
b40cff9 Sarthak | Adds tests for expression
0435f4f Sarthak | Adds tests for rows
fe410d9 Sarthak | Adds tests for times for a file
905b828 Sarthak | Adds times_linux for linux_386, arm64
36b2393 Sarthak | Adds various scalar functions
0068016 Sarthak | Adds working directory in build.yml
c88b58b Sarthak | Adds working directory in build.yml
f8bd49a Sarthak | Adds working directory in build.yml
0820dea Sarthak | Applies flyweight for boolean value
5c2dd16 Sarthak | Attempts to correct a failing test
28bcba8 Sarthak | Attempts to correct the failing build
b968c24 Sarthak | Attempts to correct the failing build for linux
5f175ac Sarthak | Attempts to correct the failing build for linux
e4dadb0 Sarthak | Changes AggregationFunctionBlock to provide support for initialState and run methods. State is now stored in function instance
8e2f731 Sarthak | Changes a parser integration test
bdcb6ba Sarthak | Changes a test for count function
4c4b695 Sarthak | Changes aliases for commands
0293260 Sarthak | Changes an error message
64233e1 Sarthak | Changes an error message
5103f63 Sarthak | Changes an error message
8eb14c2 Sarthak | Changes an error message in Source
42f172b Sarthak | Changes error messages
c92c8ef Sarthak | Changes the CLI description
4c76a23 Sarthak | Changes the attribute names
2bca12b Sarthak | Changes the attributes to be returned on *
0f1ad56 Sarthak | Changes the compare to for boolean values
38741c8 Sarthak | Changes the description of parsedatetime function
a894fdc Sarthak | Changes the error message in order by
1a0e4b2 Sarthak | Changes the function name in the error message in concatws
53b99a8 Sarthak | Changes the function struct to allow maintaining state, that will be useful for aggregation functions
18e9099 Sarthak | Changes the function struct to contain a definition
e7008b9 Sarthak | Changes the golang version to 1.17 in pipeline
c05164b Sarthak | Changes the library used for table formatting
c6a34ff Sarthak | Changes the max width for TableFormatter
e9614ca Sarthak | Changes the maxAvailableWidth in table formatter
f1739c9 Sarthak | Changes the structure of Order struct to make it possible to sort on multiple fields
9744843 Sarthak | Changes the way options are created
1434637 Sarthak | Changes the way value is taken from Value object
a44bc77 Sarthak | Corrects description of attributes
cf8826f Sarthak | Corrects description of functions
fb2ffe1 Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warning
1ed9f5f Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warnings
b8717e5 Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warnings
eb17589 Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warnings
8f3746c Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warnings
696f9f1 Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warnings
97f7b2a Sarthak | Corrects golangcli-lint warnings
59b39d4 Sarthak | Corrects the failing build
7f2b40f Sarthak | Corrects the failure in pipeline. We do not perform lowercase on the query as this would also change the case of the directory
dc894fd Sarthak | Corrects the flag description in execute command
ab91597 Sarthak | Corrects the isEmpty attribute value for directories
10ea0d0 Sarthak | Creates aliases for commands
6322e95 Sarthak | Defines Ordering struct to execute order by
b3e7c3b Sarthak | Disables completion command
75a38da Sarthak | Evaluates a where clause
262f243 Sarthak | Exports the time types
2b088d0 Sarthak | Extract Expression in a separate package. This is useful because where clause is being planned as an expression only
1f34433 Sarthak | Extracts Evaluate as a separate method in expression
cf8e9da Sarthak | Extracts format date as a function
b18f547 Sarthak | Extracts token separator method in a different file
9711bd8 Sarthak | Formats CLI flags
c2be726 Sarthak | Formats FileAttributes
93f17b9 Sarthak | Formats FileWriter_test
cdb778e Sarthak | Formats Tableformatter using gotabulate
463a0c8 Sarthak | Formats projections and expression
d6e9969 Sarthak | Formats the attribute description
c27392d Sarthak | Formats value
f0e7fde Sarthak | Handles an error while executing scalar functions without any parameters
f5cd848 Sarthak | Handles an error with multiple expression in where clause
8a1c2d3 Sarthak | Handles limit on the rows with only aggregates without any order by
40950ad Sarthak | Handles the error given a non-directory source path
79167b8 Sarthak | Improves an error message
f7ee1e9 Sarthak | Improves error handling for order by
a632336 Sarthak | Improves error handling for order by
72b538a Sarthak | Improves error message for projection
f198be2 Sarthak | Improves error message for projection
4e9506c Sarthak | Improves error message for projection
cb54481 Sarthak | Improves error messages in order by
c8476a6 Sarthak | Improves the error messages
47a981b Sarthak | Improves the error messages
6899168 Sarthak | Initial commit
496826c Sarthak | Introduces Eq function
53f3670 Sarthak | Introduces Eq in where clause in where test
79cbea4 Sarthak | Introduces HtmlFormatter
579ed80 Sarthak | Introduces Where as an abstraction
08ff55b Sarthak | Introduces add, subtract, multiply and divide functions
5586b3e Sarthak | Introduces parsing of where clause in Parser
f6a4727 Sarthak | Introduces projections
726d574 Sarthak | Makes a change in tokenizer while adding a token on a delimiter
a0efa03 Sarthak | Moves ErrorMessages in parser
f97d6bd Sarthak | Order and Limit are now returned as pointers
3085ace Sarthak | Order by only supports ordering by field positions now. Eg; order by 1, 2 desc
bc98420 Sarthak | Passes a parameter to the error message ErrorMessageOpeningParenthesesProjection
49a319e Sarthak | Prints error messages with color in cli
8ae52ab Sarthak | Projections now support HasAllAggregates. This will be used to return single row, if the projection has all the aggregates
ebb473f Sarthak | Provides an option to skip directory traversal of provided directory names
1c7a524 Sarthak | Provides an option to skip selected directories during traversal
6a31fc2 Sarthak | Provides support for concat function, a function that takes multiple parameters
1b729c1 Sarthak | Provides support for contains function
df4a879 Sarthak | Provides support for formatted filesize
d0998b0 Sarthak | Provides support for substr function
c1edd14 Sarthak | Reduces the format width
ff886fc Sarthak | Refactors JsonFormatter
4a77707 Sarthak | Refactors Source. Source now constructs itself from a token iterator
76fadca Sarthak | Refactors attributes to support desription
4bfbb91 Sarthak | Refactors execute command
ea51d47 Sarthak | Refactors expression
0e9145b Sarthak | Refactors functions
b4d0d0a Sarthak | Refactors projection
f61b8fc Sarthak | Refactors projection
ad7d61f Sarthak | Refactors projections
002ceab Sarthak | Refactors source
1c94913 Sarthak | Removes a dependency
00be5b1 Sarthak | Removes a function
a7ceed6 Sarthak | Removes comment
27da121 Sarthak | Removes comment
e2e4371 Sarthak | Removes comments
f08737a Sarthak | Removes fmt
7d8ecdb Sarthak | Removes fmt
1caaa89 Sarthak | Removes golangci-lint from build.yml
f290798 Sarthak | Removes ioutil
d3cb9dc Sarthak | Removes ioutil from src/
3b36109 Sarthak | Removes ioutil from test/
1be157d Sarthak | Removes unused attribute
59efffb Sarthak | Removes unused constants
d3bdff5 Sarthak | Removes unused method
a31e94b Sarthak | Removes unused method
b503b25 Sarthak | Removes unused method
9c8e965 Sarthak | Renames AggregateFunctionState
665f0c7 Sarthak | Renames Context object to ParsingApplicationContext
8bec128 Sarthak | Renames Context.go to ParsingApplicationContext.go
5b170ac Sarthak | Renames SelectStatement
3e9f2fe Sarthak | Renames a method allColumns in Expressions
06da268 Sarthak | Renames column to attribute
0a82802 Sarthak | Renames column to attribute
72dc3b5 Sarthak | Renames expression type constants
cd069e7 Sarthak | Renames finalState to finalValue
88a6be7 Sarthak | Renames function inside expression to functionInstance, and function inside all functions to functionDefinition
40ddc02 Sarthak | Renames methods in FileAttributes to make expression testable (without mocks)
611f405 Sarthak | Renames package errors to error
ab88694 Sarthak | Renames projections package
d5d61af Sarthak | Repackages
6d9ae92 Sarthak | Returns a single row if the projections are all aggregates
60016ab Sarthak | Reverts changes in FileAttributes
816dbae Sarthak | Separates JsonWriter into a separate file
ca57129 Sarthak | Separates writer into formatter and writer
f6d4a7a Sarthak | Sets the cell size as 100/totalNumberOfAttributes
80ed5be Sarthak | Starts providing support for count and count distinct functions
eb62a63 Sarthak | Starts refactoring Functions.go to introduce alias
832d39b Sarthak | Support conversion from different value types in Compare method of Value
4358c22 Sarthak | Supports extract function
fc60557 Sarthak | Supports listing directories in select query executor
23ebb27 Sarthak | Supports where clause in SelectQueryExecutor
ed8c892 Sarthak | Throws an error if an aggregate function is encountered in where clause
cd8cf2b Sarthak | Token is now a struct consisting of tokenValue and tokenType
5867f57 Sarthak | Updates README
ad97141 Sarthak | Updates README
da6f332 Sarthak | Updates README
73b367e Sarthak | Updates README
e86a8a3 Sarthak | Updates README
ae10953 Sarthak | Updates README
7307a6a Sarthak | Updates README
d4ec06f Sarthak | Updates README
ec58358 Sarthak | Updates README
0a00840 Sarthak | Updates README
b1325f1 Sarthak | Updates README
69a6fc0 Sarthak | Updates README
4754f6a Sarthak | Updates README
126df08 Sarthak | Updates README
a826839 Sarthak | Updates README
ded7433 Sarthak | Updates README
aed6f64 Sarthak | Updates README
c08297f Sarthak | Updates README
9d4fd4b Sarthak | Updates README
ac25213 Sarthak | Updates README
96135cd Sarthak | Updates README
947936c Sarthak | Updates README
0437ee3 Sarthak | Updates Tasks
d21d99e Sarthak | Updates build status in README
0672bbc Sarthak | Updates build status in README
88a2209 Sarthak | Uses a variable for path separator
d281b5e Sarthak | Uses constants for error messages in cli
d8ea110 Sarthak | Uses flyweight for emptyValue, true, false boolean values, and zero, one uint32Value
cadacd5 Sarthak | Uses table for printing attributes
b77d4f0 Sarthak | Uses table for printing functions
de3c688 Sarthak | Uses table for printing the description. Also changes the description to include \n
49d7a48 Sarthak | Uses table for printing where clause functions
7ef1a76 hak | Adds a projection test for a function without any parameters
b088c6c hak | Provides support for count function
11ddbab hak | Refactors functions
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