is a Hugo based blog and this repository is the core content of the blog.
# Install Hugo and npm
# Clone the repository
git clone
git submodule update --recursive --remote
# Assuming npm is installed, install the dependencies
npm i
# Start the server
npm start
# Creates a local gh-pages branch which will contain the public folder
git checkout -b gh-pages
# Build the website
npm i && HUGO_ENVIRONMENT=production hugo --gc --minify
# Change to public/ directory
cd public
# Initialize the git repository
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Website build"
# Add the remote
git remote add website
# Push the content
git push website main --force
# May need to provide the custom domain
Provide the custom domain [here](
- tech lessons theme repository
- This repository is forked from the blist Hugo theme
- tech lessons repository