Releases: SasView/sasview
SasView 6.0.0
New in Version 6.0.0
This is a major release with a number of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes as described below. Many of the new
features are now highlighted in our 'What's New' window displayed when SasView starts.
This version of SasView is built with Sasmodels v1.0.8, Sasdata v0.9.0, and bumps v0.9.2.
Windows installer
MacOS installer
What's Changed
New Features
- The Corfunc persepective has been overhauled to allow for 1-click calculations by @lucas-wilkins in #2450
- The Corfunc perspective now has export and report capabilities by @lucas-wilkins in #2065
- Allow for user adjusted relative weighting of different data sets in constrained fits by @Caddy-Jones in #1973
- Replace the system with a more robust configuration system by @lucas-wilkins in #2168
- A preferences window has been added by @krzywon in #2167
- Added a centralized config system by @lucas-wilkins in #2164
- The efficiency of the GSC Debye calculation has been improved (Windows only) by @klytje in #2859
- Radius of Gyration and Beta Calculations in the Generic Scattering Calculator by @smalex-z in #2535
- GSC can now produce empirical fitting models by @smalex-z in #2565
- The orientation viewer that was in SasView v4 has been added using a GL Subsystem by @lucas-wilkins in #2394
- The box slicer no longer requires the center to be a (0,0) by @butlerpd in #1919
- A wedge slicer has been added by @ehewins in #2566
- A command line interface to allow scripts to be run from sasview by @pkienzle in #2280
- Documentation displayed in a SasView window by @tsole0 in #2576
- What's new dialog by @lucas-wilkins in #2608
- Flatpak release for Linux by @jamescrake-merani in #3121
- Separate MacOS releases for both Silicon and Intel architectures by @wpotrzebowski in #2917
- A new logo and welcome screen by @wpotrzebowski in #2920
Feature Enhancements
Log Explorer Enhancements
- Improved log explorer behaviour by @rozyczko in #2620 and @rprospero in #2639
- Drop logger level required to force log explorer to pop up from error to warning by @lucas-wilkins in #2879
Tool Enhancements
- Tool[s] menu reorganised and renamed by @lucas-wilkins in #2430
- SLD calculator tool buttons by @rozyczko in #2302
- SLD calculation allows density to be calculated from component weight fractions by @krzywon in #2986
- Update to speed up data loading by @timsnow in #2617
- Read oommf v2 files by @wpotrzebowski in #2116
Plotting Enhancements
- Allow user to choose default for plot navigation tools by @juliuskarliczek in #2849
- Options to disable residuals and polydispersity distribution plots by @lozanodorian in #2558
- Grid lines toggle for standard Plot1D by @rozyczko in #2630
- created submenu for slicers being part of #2604 by @astellhorn in #2610
- Plot label customisation widget #1920 by @rozyczko in #2096
- Add persistent legend visibility toggle by @pbeaucage in #2266
- Add masked data toggle to 2D plots by @krzywon in #2368
- Add +/- 1 and 3 sigma lines on residual plots by @butlerpd in #2443
- New color map code, based on a BSD-3 licensed module by @rozyczko in #2335
- Update fitting and plotting defaults by @butlerpd in #2354
General GUI Enhancements
- Initial version of modified Send To button by @rozyczko in #2613
- Add a button group to allow for proper logic of radio buttons by @rozyczko in #2848
- Add option to no longer be asked to quit by @lucas-wilkins in #2294
- Fixed inconsistent tabbing order across the widgets by @rozyczko in #2401
- Stop making huge folder tree in user profile by @llimeht in #2262
- Call magnetic angles up_theta by @dehoni in #1971
Fitting Enhancements
- Improved/fixed category manager by @rozyczko in #2649
- Handling of constraints for polydisperse parameters by @gonzalezma in #2348
Bug Fixes
General GUI Fixes
- Phantom perspective windows no longer appear by @krzywon in #2790
- Re-enabled "close window" option on modal dialogs by @rozyczko in #2690
- When loading data the data explorer should revert to the data tab by @juliuskarliczek in #2852
- Force main window to open maximized #2272 by @rozyczko in #2273
- Startup speed of SasView has been improved by @rozyczko in #2275
Plotting Fixes
- Fix for broken context menus in 1d plots by @rozyczko in #2670
- Differentiate which combobox to put the graphs in. by @rozyczko in #2298
- Fit intermittent plot blanking by @pbeaucage in #2300
- Fix unusable legend size with long filenames on Mac by @pbeaucage in #2264
- Fix plot legend not updating on custom change. #2361 by @rozyczko in #2362
- Close the BUMPS/DREAM results panel when data is deleted by @krzywon in #2365
- Fixed sesans residuals plots to show in real space rather than q space by @caitwolf in #2338
Fitting and Other Perspective Fixes
- Fix model date format in the user model docstring by @mrakitin in #2713
- Various Multiplicity Model Fixes by @krzywon in #2647
- Fix model save error by @krzywon in #2864
- Fix "Use dQ Data" bug that swtiched slit length and slit width in the gui by @caitwolf in #2336
- Fix copy/paste when selecting a structure factor by @krzywon in #2320
- Clip fitting values set outside the fit range by @krzywon in #2422
- Fixed breaking bug in pr_inversion by @lucas-wilkins in #2178
- Fixes in invariant prespective by @wpotrzebowski in #2357
- Fixes binning bug in implementation of sesans data by @caitwolf in #2331
- Fix confusing slit resolution parameters and add guardrails by @pbeaucage in #2283
Other Fixes
- Cherry-picked new_numpy_behaviour by @wpotrzebowski in #2655
- Fit report save fix by @rozyczko in #2684
- Fix for empty save format for grid files by @rozyczko in #2683
- The installer warns the user if the chosen installation directory is already populated by @krzywon in #3042
Documentation Changes
- Include preferences documentation by @krzywon in #2680
- Include SasData documentation in SasView by @krzywon in #2672
- Updated Corfunc Docs to match new behavior by @lucas-wilkins in #2823
- Document new classes in by @lucas-wilkins in #2207
- Update Optimizer Help Doc by @smk78 in #2359
- Update of the sld calculator documentation by @katieweigandt in #2785
- Update rst strings to fix doc build warnings by @smk78 in #2288
Infrastructure Changes
Build System
- Rework CI to be non-repetitive, simpler, and test more things by @llimeht in #2263
- Stop existing concurrent CI runs by @krzywon in #2638
- Release 6.0.0 notarization fix by @wpotrzebowski in #2709
- Fixes problem with using deprecated node.js by @butlerpd in #2836
- Run unit tests of Qt GUI and have CI gate on them by @llimeht in #2252
- Remove deprecated OSes from CI by @krzywon in #2439
Python Dependencies
- Added 3.11 support, removed 3.8 by @rozyczko in #2582
- Warnings removals and python 3.9 drop in tests by @wpotrzebowski in #2860
- Move from PyQt to Pyside6 by @rozyczko in #2478
- Use Pyinstaller 6 fro build generation by @krzywon in #2854
- Cleanup of requirements.txt by @krzywon in #2856
- Remove deprecated imp module by @krzywon in #2809
- Remove unused pyopengl_accelerate from requirements.txt by @wpotrzebowski in #2865
Developer Enhancements
- Add argument to convertUI that forces full UI rebuild by @krzywon in #2483
- Prioritize local sibling repositories over installed modules by @krzywon in #2772
- Use sasdata package in place of sas.sascalc.dataloader by @krzywon in #2141
- Clean up of sas.sasview by @lucas-wilkins in #2154, #2159, and #2161
New Models
One new model has been added to SasView since v5.0.6 was released.
- micromagnetic_FF_3D SANS of bulk ferromagnets by @stellhorn in SasView/sasmodels#592
The following models have been added to the Model Marketplace since v5.0.6 was released:
- Superball
- core_multi_shell_cylinder
- fuzzy_sphere_extended
- Spherical Micelle
- Cylindrical Micelle
- Long Cylindrical Micelle
- Enhanced Cylinder Models for SasView
- Enhanced Ellipsoid Models for SasView
- Supercylinder
Known Issues
All known bugs and outstanding feature requests can be found in the issues on github. SasView, SasData, and SasModels issues are separate.
New Contributors
- @pbeaucage made their first contribution in #2266
- @smalex-z made their first contribution in #2535
- @ehewins made their first contribution in #2543
- @lozanodorian made their first contribution in #2558
- @gdrosos made their first contribution in #2585
- @astellhorn made their first contribution in #2610
- @tsole0 made their first contribution in
SasView v6.0.0 RC1
SasView 6.0.0 RC2
This pre-release has been superseded by release v6.0.0.
Release 6.0.0-beta-2
This pre-release has been superseded by another pre-release.
SasView 6.0.0-Beta1
This pre-release has been superseded by another pre-release.
Release 6.0.0-alpha
New features
- Orientation viewer
- Corfunc refactored
- Simultaneous fitting allows for weighting scheme
- Preferences panel with display and plotting options (polydispersity and residuals plots can be hidden).
- Improved label handling on plots
- Residuals plots refactored
- PDB reader refactored
- Wedge slicer added
- Sasdata package separated
- Move to PySide6
- Python 3.11 support
- Required documentation (#2641)
- Improved documentation
- New Tutorials
Major bug fixes:
- Handling of constraints for polydisperse parameters
- Binning and FitPage plotting of SESANS data
- Fixed 1D slit-smearing function
- Start-up speed improved
- Magnetic SLD?
- Multiplicity model?
New models
- New broad peak model
Anticipated for beta version
- PDB-based model saved to custom model (for S(q) calculations)?
- Batch Processing and 2D data slicing and processing for P(r)
- Local documentation generator
- Log explorer
- Send To button with replacement options
What's Changed (This section has to be improved)
- Fix wrong number of parameters on restore in slicer module by @butlerpd in #2462
- Update by @lucas-wilkins in #2466
- More changes to corfunc by @lucas-wilkins in #2463
- Modify the way perspectives are closed by @rozyczko in #2469
- Testing nightly build by @wpotrzebowski in #2465
- Add argument to convertUI that forces full UI rebuild by @krzywon in #2483
- Pyside6 merge by @rozyczko in #2478
- Remove UI conversion from by @krzywon in #2511
- Reinstate math import to by @krzywon in #2517
- 2111 name changes in corfunc by @lucas-wilkins in #2485
- Import pytest in density calculator GUI tests by @krzywon in #2523
- 2389: Validate text/int/float inputs within the preferences panel by @krzywon in #2476
- C&S fitting widget fixes for PySide6 by @rozyczko in #2528
- Reparent QAction from QtWidget to QtGui (PySide6) by @rozyczko in #2532
- Fix for save dataset error #2533 by @rozyczko in #2534
- Rog and beta q by @smalex-z in #2535
- Lowercase PySide6 executables for Linux compatability #2542 by @ehewins in #2543
- 2541 nightly build artifact doesnt start on mac by @wpotrzebowski in #2544
- Polydisperse parameter check on model load by @rozyczko in #2553
- Log explorer fix by @smalex-z in #2545
- Syntax highlighting in Pyside6 by @rozyczko in #2562
- Avoid parenting mess by calling the widget directly by @rozyczko in #2559
- Added model reload signal on data swap by @rozyczko in #2567
- Two options to disable residuals and polydispersity distribution plots by @lozanodorian in #2558
- 2550 wedge slicer by @ehewins in #2566
- Post-v5.0.6 Release Update by @krzywon in #2536
- Use a regex for version validity check rather than integer coercion by @krzywon in #2572
- Wedge slicer minor upgrages by @ehewins in #2570
- Strip debug messages from production version of Qt console by @pkienzle in #2557
- unit conversion for gui is missing by @rozyczko in #2568
- Adjusts scale and angular range in 1D plots from WedgeSlicer by @butlerpd in #2580
- Bump scipy from 1.7.3 to 1.10.0 in /build_tools by @dependabot in #2547
- Plot2D instances are now of
type. Fixes #2586 by @rozyczko in #2587 - fix dialog sizes for some calculators. #2437 by @rozyczko in #2581
- Fix for getting directory name by @rozyczko in #2596
- Remove Unused Dependency: h5py by @gdrosos in #2585
- 2577 orientation viewer doesnt work from nigthly build on mac by @lucas-wilkins in #2600
- Fixed unmatched method signatures in Box&Wedge Interactor child classes by @ehewins in #2589
- Particle editor by @lucas-wilkins in #2520
- Pass the Data1D/2D object, not its
attribute by @rozyczko in #2592 - Bump reportlab from 3.6.6 to 3.6.13 in /build_tools by @dependabot in #2597
- Added 3.11, removed 3.8 by @rozyczko in #2582
- Fix doc build errors by @smk78 in #2607
- Doc toctree fixes by @smk78 in #2609
- 2603: Numeric coercion in preferences by @krzywon in #2605
- What's new dialog by @lucas-wilkins in #2608
- created submenu for slicers being part of #2604 by @astellhorn in #2610
- Squish squashed by @lucas-wilkins in #2616
- Update by @timsnow in #2617
- Killed Zombie Python Test by @lucas-wilkins in #2627
- Remove model.png by @lucas-wilkins in #2629
- Populate whats new with last version by @smk78 in #2625
- Fix errors while running convertUI by @krzywon in #2623
- 2618: Fix GPU and Optimizer Preferences by @krzywon in #2622
- Moving OSX signing to nightly by @wpotrzebowski in #2631
- Empty lines in data explorer by @rozyczko in #2643
New Contributors
- @smalex-z made their first contribution in #2535
- @ehewins made their first contribution in #2543
- @lozanodorian made their first contribution in #2558
- @gdrosos made their first contribution in #2585
- @astellhorn made their first contribution in #2610
Full Changelog: nightly-build...v6.0.0-alpha
SasView 5.0.6
SasView 5.0.6
NB: Please check that the installer targets a new installation folder (eg, \SasView-5.0.6) rather than re-using an existing SasView folder.
Windows installer
MacOS installer
What's Changed
This is a point release which fixes a number of issues reported in earlier versions
of 5.0.x. Of particular note, the failure of the program to start when installing on
a new system due to issues finding the config file has been fixed. The speed with
which the program starts up has also been improved. The paracrystalline models, which
have been labelled as "under review" since 2018, have been checked and corrected (bcc
and fcc) and the documentation completely reworked (bcc, fcc, and sc). The SasView
Development Team would very much like to express their sincere gratitude to those
members of the community that assisted with this task. Elsewhere, plots now properly
support custom data names in the legend, the LM optimizer failing to run on GPUs or
when the starting value of a parameter is outside the min/max range has been fixed,
a problem with the intermittent blanking of plots has also been fixed, a number of
defaults have been changed to be more reasonable, and a number of other issues in
the documentation have been corrected and/or updated.
Pull Request Changes
- Fix error being thrown when the initial guess it outside the min/max range for the LM optimizer @krzywon #2422
- Fix for failure to find custom_config preventing sasview from starting @krzywon #2407
- Cleanup (close) the bumps/DREAM results panel when associate data is removed from sasview @krzywon #2365
- Fix plot legend not updating on custom change @rozyczko #2362
- Add more informative error message to invariant calculator @wpotrzebowski #2357
- Provide more reasonable defaults (number of points in curves, log vs linear scale, residuals don't have error bars) @butlerpd #2354
- Make sesans residual plots show in real space rather than q space @caitwolf #2338
- Fix rare bug that switches slit width and length in the gui @caitwolf #2336
- Fix binning bug in implementation of sesans @caitwolf #2331
- Fix problem of a second plot showing up when loading certain data files @pbeaucage #2329
- Fix to chaging parameters in FitPage not updating plots. Was most obvious for sesans. @caitwolf #2318
- Fix problem with SlD calculator tool buttons sometimes being squashed hiding the button label @rozyczko #2302
- Fix problem with intermittent plot blanking @pbeaucage #2300
- Fix problem with appending graphs when using theory data @rozyczko #2298
- Properly support custom names in plot legend @pbeaucage #2293
- Tweaks to improve startup speed @rozyczko #2275
- Fix problem with losing minimize/restore/close buttons when maximizing fit window @rozyczko #2273
- Add persistent legend visibility toggle @pbeaucage #2266
- Fix label rendering problems due to incorrect escape sequences @llimeht #2217
- Fix update to numpy verion breaking P(R) analysis @lucas-wilkins #2178
- Fix problem with use of Data Operation Tool preventing project saving @rozyczko #2099
- Correct paracrystal model error and rework documentation @butlerpd SasView/sasmodels#545
- Fix rare race condition causing errors @bmaranville SasView/sasmodels#537
- Fix to allow multiple scattering script to run @wpotrzebowski SasView/sasmodels#521
- Fix error in core shell Ellipsoid documentation @pkienzle SasView/sasmodels#512
- Fix models with complex amplitudes not compiling on the fly @pkienzle SasView/sasmodels#511
- Fix problem with LM optimizer failing when GPUs are turned on by updating to the latest bumps version SasView/sasmodels#518
Documentation Changes
- Update optimizer help documentation @smk78 #2359
- Update contributor list @wpotrzebowski #2114
- Update web links from http to https @smk78 #2087 and #2265
- Update corfunc documentation @lucas-wilkins #2047
- Update gel_fit model documentation and fix formating @smk78 SasView/sasmodels#541
- Correct and update cylinder model documentation @butlerpd SasView/sasmodels#539
- Restructuring and cross-linking of sasmodels docs @smk78 SasView/sasmodels#534
- Update marketplace url to https @smk78 SasView/sasmodels#522
Build System Changes
New Models
The following models have been added to the Model Marketplace since v5.0.5 was released:
- Octahedron_truncated_txtytz
- Octahedron_truncated
- Rating Curve
- Pringle-Schmidt Helices (revision & documentation update)
- Lamellar Slab Partition Constant
Known Issues
Jul 14, 2023: There appear to be circumstances where the SasView 5.0.6 installer
targets an existing SasView folder for the installation of the new version. If v5.0.6
installs to/overwrites an existing version of SasView it may fail to run and throw errors
such as 'ImportError: DLL load failed while importing...'. To avoid this, install v5.0.6 to
its own folder.
Feb 13, 2023: The Development Team is aware of a (so far isolated) instance of
v5.0.6 failing to run on MacOS 13.1 (Ventura). For some reason during installation
~.sasview\config\ was created as a folder and not as a file.
Should you experience this, delete the folder and replace it with a
copy of the file
All the known bugs/feature requests can be found in the issues on github.
Note the sasmodels issues are now separate from the sasview issues (i.e. different repositories)
Full Changelog: v5.0.5...v5.0.6rc2
SasView 5.0.6rc2
This pre-release has been superseded by the final release of v5.0.6.
Nightly build of main SasView branch
SasView 5.0.6rc1
This pre-release has been superseded by another pre-release.