ROS Diagnostics based monitoring system for Ohmni telepresence robot. It features diagnostics for the following sensors:
- Navigation camera
- Camera
- Scan sensor
- IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)
- Joint States (Left/ Right wheels, caster, caster wheel, neck)
- Odometry
For easy compilation and running, a bash script is provided:
- Build with:
./ --compile
- Clean build with:
./ --cclean
- Run gazebo simulation, diagnostic aggregator, diagnostic updater and the rqt monitor with:
Otherwise you can append this option to the previous build commands (es ./ --cclean --launch).
./ --launch
- Add Rqt Gui option to display multiple Rqt plugins into a single window:
./ --cclean --launch --rqtgui ./ --launch --rqtgui
If you're having trubles with the script, you can start the simulation manually:
- Build with
cd ros_ws catkin_make
- Run gazebo simulation
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch gazebo_environment empty.launch
- Run diagnostic updater in a new console tab/window
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch diagnostic_updater updaters_launcher.launch
- Run diagnostic aggregator in a new console tab/window
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch diagnostic_aggregator aggregator_launcher.launch
- Run the monitor with
rosrun rqt_robot_monitor rqt_robot_monitor
└── tb_sim
├── diagnostic_aggregator
│ ├── include
│ ├── launch
│ └── src
├── diagnostic_updater
│ ├── include
│ ├── launch
│ └── src
├── gazebo_environment
│ ├── launch
│ ├── models
│ └── worlds
├── tb_description
│ ├── launch
│ ├── meshes
│ ├── rviz
│ └── urdf
├── tb_gazebo
│ ├── launch
│ ├── plugins
│ └── rviz
├── tb_gazebo_plugins
│ ├── include
│ └── src
└── tb_teleop
└── launch
- Conti Edoardo @edoardo-conti
- Federici Lorenzo @lorenzo-federici
- Melnic Andrian @andrian-melnic
- Preventive Maintenance and Smart Automation Robotics Class - Professor Alessandro Freddi