A.N.D.R.E.W (Automated Neural Diagnostics and Reactive Electronics Webservice) is an attempt at making it easier to extend slack functionalities. Mainly for use at our office.
ANDREW has multiple types of listeners:
- RTM ( Listens to the real time messaging api from slack )
- Command ( Listens for command requests on the [url]/commands/[command] route)
Example rtm listener ( exampleRtm.py )
from rtm import RTMListener
class exampleRtm(RTMListener):
def onMessage(self, event):
if(event.data['text'] == "ping"):
It is as easy as extending the rtm listener and overriding the preset methods for each rtm event.
Example command listener ( exampleCommand.py )
from command import CommandListener
from slackclient import *
from pprint import pprint
class exampleCommand(CommandListener):
def onCommand(self, event):
commandName = event.data['command']
if(commandName == "/test"):
sc = SlackClient(event.workspace.access_token)
On the command listeners is as easy as extending the command listener and overriding the onCommand method and checking wich command you are getting.
You have to register each listener in app.py as shown below
andrew = ANDREW()
# Start of handlers here.
# End of handlers here.