Test various time-series Models to predict future movements in the value of the Japanese yen versus the U.S. dollar.
Linear Regression Starter Notebook
In this notebook, you will load historical Dollar-Yen exchange rate futures data and apply time series analysis and modeling to determine whether there is any predictable behavior.
Follow the steps outlined in the time-series starter notebook to complete the following:
- Decomposition using a Hodrick-Prescott Filter (Decompose the Settle price into trend and noise).
- Forecasting Returns using an ARMA Model.
- Forecasting the Settle Price using an ARIMA Model.
- Forecasting Volatility with GARCH.
Use the results of the time series analysis and modeling to answer the following questions:
- Based on your time series analysis, would you buy the yen now?
- Is the risk of the yen expected to increase or decrease?
- Based on the model evaluation, would you feel confident in using these models for trading?
In this notebook, you will build a Scikit-Learn linear regression model to predict Yen futures ("settle") returns with lagged Yen futures returns and categorical calendar seasonal effects (e.g., day-of-week or week-of-year seasonal effects).
Follow the steps outlined in the regression_analysis starter notebook to complete the following:
- Data Preparation (Creating Returns and Lagged Returns and splitting the data into training and testing data)
- Fitting a Linear Regression Model.
- Making predictions using the testing data.
- Out-of-sample performance.
- In-sample performance.
Use the results of the linear regression analysis and modeling to answer the following question:
- Does this model perform better or worse on out-of-sample data compared to in-sample data?