Linux | Windows | ESP32 | MSP432 |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❓ |
This is a blank project that you can use as a template to start off your DEVS models. This project consits of a template atomic and coupled model.
This project assumes that you have Cadmium installed in a location accessible by the environment variable $CADMIUM.
This dependency would be met by default if you are using the ARSLAB servers. To check, try echo $CADMIUM
in the terminal
To build this project, run:
NOTE: Everytime you run, the contents of build/
and bin/
will be replaced.
To build this project for the ESP32, run:
To run the project, run:
To flash the project onto the esp32, run: -p $ESP_PORT flash
You can modify this project per your requirement. Change the project name defined in the topmost CMakeLists.txt file here:
set(projectName "sample_project")
If you want to add other include directories, add the following to the CMakeLists.txt file in the main
target_include_directories(${projectName} PRIVATE "/path/to/dependency")