Host a Static Website on AWS s3 with appropriate bucket policies and reduced latency configuration using AWS CloudFront CDN (Content Delivery Network)
Note: some values in this example will be different from run to run. These values are indicated
with ***
Create a new stack:
$ pulumi stack init dev
Set Config parameters in Pulumi:
a) Set the AWS Region to be used for deploying the cloud resources
$ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
b) Set the accesskey for the AWS account to be used
$ pulumi config set aws:accessKey <access_key>
c) Set the secretkey for the AWS account to be used
$ pulumi config set --secure aws:secretKey <secret_key>
pulumi up
to preview and deploy changes. After the preview is shown you will be prompted if you want to continue or not.$ pulumi up Previewing update (dev): Type Name Plan + pulumi:pulumi:Stack pulumi-aws-s3-py-dev create + ├─ aws:s3:Bucket website-bucket create + ├─ aws:s3:BucketObject index.html create + ├─ aws:s3:BucketObject python.png create + ├─ aws:s3:BucketObject favicon.png create + └─ aws:s3:BucketPolicy static-hosting-bucket-policy create + └─ aws:cloudfront:Distribution static-hosting-s3Distribution create Resources: + 6 to create Do you want to perform this update? > yes no details
To see the resources that were created, run
pulumi stack output
:$ pulumi stack output Current stack outputs (2): OUTPUT VALUE bucket_name static-hosting-bucket-**** cdn ****
To see that the S3 objects exist, you can either use the AWS Console or the AWS CLI:
$ aws s3 ls `pulumi stack output bucket_name` 2022-08-17 15:40:47 13731 favicon.png 2022-08-17 15:40:48 249 index.html
Open the CDN URL in a browser to see both the rendered HTML and Python splash image:
$ pulumi stack output cdn ***
To clean up resources, run
pulumi destroy
and answer the confirmation question at the prompt.