The driver is to drive AB phase encoders. You can get two counters simultaneously using it.
You can install this library via the Library Manager interface. For example, as for Arduino 1:1.0.5+dfsg2-2, you can install it from directory in Sketch menu > Import library... > Add library... in form of zip file or folder.
If you want to add a library manually, you need to uncompress it and put in the proper directory. Arduino libraries are managed in three different places: inside the IDE installation folder, inside the core folder and in the libraries folder inside your sketchbook. The location of your sketchbook defaults to “..<you>\DOCUMENTS\Arduino” on Windows machines. The path is clearly shown in the Preferences panel. If you want to see where the sketchbook defaults open Preferences under File.
Creating an Object which contains four parameters:port of left encoder output-A, port of left encoder output-B, right encoder output-A and right encoder output-B. You must connect both output-As with digital pins usable for interrupts of your arduino board. Note that you should create only one ABPhaseEncoders object in a program and if you create several objects, only the last takes effect.
You can find which pins are usable for interrupts here:
This library offer a method to return current count of encoder and you need to specify which encoder to read as parameter. The parameter is either LEFT
If you get values which are reverse with the direction of wheel rotation, you can use this method.
// When you get reversed value, just reverse it
This library is very easy to use. You can learn it from codes in example folder.
This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License, v3. A copy of this license is included in the file LICENSE.