Enabling OpenAI-based NLP engine with SIRI (MacBook/iPad/iPhone) through a proxy-driven restricted API using Python.
This new solution will expose a controlled proxy API built using Python, which enables OpenAI APIs & integrates that with SIRI (One of the world's most popular personal voice assistants). This application developed using Flask, openai, NGROK & other useful libraries. This project is for the advanced Python developer & Data Science Newbi's.
(The following instructions apply to Posix/bash. Windows users should check here.)
First, clone this repository and open a terminal inside the root folder.
Create and activate a new virtual environment (recommended) by running the following:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Restricted-API:
python testJarvis.py
Note down the port number, which will be generated as output.
Run the Proxy:
ngrok http http://<IP_Address from previous steps>:5000
Make sure, the port number has to be same as displayed in the first steps.
Now, run the Apple Shortcuts as shown below -
Please find the some of the important dependent package -
Install the above requirements.
Note that the debug indicator is set to "Y". This will generate logs. If you change this to 'N'. No logs will be generated. However, the process will be faster.
- To view the complete demo with sound, check out our YouTube Page.
- To view on Python, check out the Python Page.
- To view more on the OpenAI, check out this OpenAI Official Page.
- To view more on the ngrok, check out this NGROK Official Page.