"scalr" is a command-line tool that communicates directly with the Scalr API.
Installing the Scalr cli tool is very straightforward as it's distributed as a single static binary. Simply download the zipped binary from the releases section that corresponds to your architecture and (preferably) unpack it somewhere in your PATH.
user@server ~$ scalr
'scalr' is a command-line interface tool that communicates directly with the Scalr API
$ scalr -help
$ scalr -help get-workspaces
$ scalr get-foo-bar -flag=value
$ scalr -verbose create-foo-bar -flag=value -flag2=value2
$ scalr create-foo-bar < json-blob.txt
Environment variables:
SCALR_HOSTNAME Scalr Hostname, i.e example.scalr.io
SCALR_ACCOUNT Default Scalr Account ID, i.e acc-tq8cgt2hu6hpfuj
-version Shows current version of this binary
-help Shows documentation for all (or specified) command(s)
-verbose Shows complete request and response communication data
-configure Run configuration wizard
-update Updates this tool to the latest version by downloading and replacing current binary
-autocomplete Enable shell tab auto-complete
Before the CLI can be used, you will need to configure what Scalr URL and Token to use. This can be done using environment variables (SCALR_HOSTNAME and SCALR_TOKEN) or a configuration file. Run the CLI with the -configure flag to run the configuration wizard.
An optional environment variable called SCALR_ACCOUNT can be used to set a default account ID. When running a command that has either an -account or -account-id flag (and not manually specified with flags), it will automatically be set to that default account ID.
user@server ~$ scalr -configure
Scalr Hostname [ex: example.scalr.io]: example.scalr.io
Scalr Token (not echoed!):
Default Scalr Account-ID [ex: acc-tq8cgt2hu6hpfuj]: acc-tq8cgt2hu6hpfuj
Configuration saved in /home/user/.scalr/scalr.conf
user@server ~$ scalr -help create-environment
Usage: scalr create-environment [FLAGS] [< json-blob.txt]
Create a new environment in the account.
Environment's are collections of related workspaces that correspond to functional areas, SDLC stages,
projects or any grouping that is required.
An account can have multiple environments.
Workspaces within an environment are where Terraform configurations are run to deploy infrastructure,
and where state files are stored.
An Environment can have set of policy groups assigned that are applied to all workspaces in the environment.
The Environment can also have variables, credentials, registry modules, and VCS providers
that are available to every workspace.
-account-id=STRING The account that owns this environment. [*required]
-cost-estimation-enabled=BOOLEAN Indicates if the cost estimation should be performed for `runs` in the environment.
-default-provider-configurations-id=STRING Provider configurations used in the environment workspaces by default.
-name=STRING The name of the environment. [*required]
For commands that CREATES or UPDATES something, you can chose to set the values using flags (-flag=value) OR use a raw JSON blob as you would do when communicating directly with the Scalr API.
user@server ~$ scalr create-environment -name=development -account-id=acc-t2fcrq6h1v3nf0g
user@server ~$ scalr create-environment < json-blob.txt
user@server ~$ echo '
> {
> "data": {
> "attributes": {
> "name": "development"
> },
> "relationships": {
> "account": {
> "data": {
> "id": "acc-t2fcrq6h1v3nf0g",
> "type": "accounts"
> }
> }
> },
> "type": "environments"
> }
> }
> ' | scalr create-environment
The -help output will tell you which flags are required. However, it can be hard to find them if the flag list is long. Simply running the command without flags will tell you which required flags have missing values.
user@server ~$ scalr lock-workspace
Missing required flag(s): [workspace]
user@server ~$ scalr -update
Latest version is 0.9.0, which is different from current installed version 0.8.0.
Downloading version 0.9.0...
Replacing current binary with downloaded version...
All done! Your binary is now at version 0.9.0
Enabling tab auto-completion will make working with the CLI more efficient, as the shell will automatically show you available commands, flags and options. Simply activate it with "scalr -autocomplete". You will have to restart your shell before using it. Remember to press TAB twice to make the shell show you the available options.
user@server ~$ scalr list-e
list-endpoints list-environment-tags list-environments list-event-definitions
user@server ~$ scalr list-environments -
-filter-account= -filter-environment= -filter-latest-run-date= -filter-tag= -include= -query= -sort=
user@server ~$ scalr list-environments -sort=
account cost-estimation-enabled created-at created-by-email name
user@server ~$ scalr list-environments -sort=account -
-filter-account= -filter-environment= -filter-latest-run-date= -filter-tag= -include= -query= -sort=
user@server ~$ scalr list-environments -sort=account -include=
account created-by policy-groups tags
cloud-credentials default-provider-configurations provider-configurations
user@server ~$ scalr list-environments -sort=account -include=tags,
tags,account tags,created-by tags,policy-groups tags,tags
tags,cloud-credentials tags,default-provider-configurations tags,provider-configurations
user@server ~$ scalr list-environments -sort=account -include=tags,created-by
user@server ~$ scalr -help
Access Policy:
create-access-policy Create an Access Policy
delete-access-policy Delete Access Policy
get-access-policies List Access Policies
get-access-policy Get an Access Policy
update-access-policy Update an Access Policy
Access Token:
create-access-token Create an Access Token
create-agent-pool-token Create an Agent Pool Access Token
delete-access-token Delete an Access Token
get-access-token Get an Access Token
list-agent-pool-access-tokens List Agent Pool Access Tokens
update-access-token Update an Access Token
get-account Get an Account
update-account Update Account
Account Blob Settings:
delete-account-blob-settings Delete Blob Settings
get-account-blob-settings Get Blob Settings
replace-account-blob-settings Replace Blob Settings
update-account-blob-settings Update Blob Settings
delete-agent Delete an Agent
get-agent Get an Agent
get-agents List Agents
Agent Pool:
create-agent-pool Create an Agent Pool
delete-agent-pool Delete an Agent Pool
get-agent-pool Get an Agent Pool
get-agent-pools List Agent Pools
update-agent-pool Update an Agent Pool
get-apply Get an Apply
get-apply-log Apply Log
Configuration Version:
create-configuration-version Create a Configuration Version
download-configuration-version Download Configuration Version
get-configuration-version Get a Configuration Version
get-configuration-versions List Configuration Versions
Cost Estimate:
get-cost-estimate Get a Cost Estimate
get-cost-estimate-breakdown Cost breakdown JSON output
get-cost-estimate-log Cost Estimate log
create-endpoint Create an Endpoint
delete-endpoint Delete an Endpoint
get-endpoint Get an Endpoint
list-endpoints List Endpoints
update-endpoint Update Endpoint
create-environment Create an Environment
delete-environment Delete an Environment
get-environment Get an Environment
list-environments List Environments
update-environment Update Environment
Event Definition:
list-event-definitions List Event Definitions
create-module Publish a Module
delete-module Unpublish a Module
get-module Get a Module
list-modules List Modules
resync-module Resync a Module
resync-module-version Resync a Module Version
Module Version:
get-module-version Get a Module Version
list-module-versions List Module Versions
get-permission Get a Permission
get-permissions List Permissions
ping Ping
get-json-output JSON Output
get-plan Get a Plan
get-plan-log Plan Log
get-sanitized-json-output Sanitized JSON Output
get-policy Get a Policy
Policy Check:
get-policy-check Get a Policy Check
get-policy-checks-log Policy Check Log
list-policy-checks List Policy Checks
override-policy Override Policy
Policy Group:
create-policy-group Create a Policy Group
create-policy-group-environments Create policy group environments relationships
delete-policy-group Delete a Policy Group
delete-policy-group-environments Delete policy group's environment relationship
get-policy-group Get a Policy Group
list-policy-groups List Policy Groups
update-policy-group Update a Policy Group
update-policy-group-environments Update policy group environments relationships
Provider Configuration:
create-provider-configuration Create a Provider configuration
delete-provider-configuration Delete a Provider configuration
get-provider-configuration Get a Provider configuration
list-provider-configurations List Provider configurations
update-provider-configuration Update a Provider configuration
Provider Configuration Link:
create-provider-configuration-link Attach a Provider configuration to the workspace
delete-provider-configuration-workspace-link Delete a Provider configuration workspace link
get-provider-configuration-link Get a Provider configuration link
list-provider-configuration-links List Provider configuration workspace links
update-provider-configuration-link Update a Provider configuration link
Provider Configuration Parameter:
create-provider-configuration-parameter Create a Provider configuration parameter
delete-provider-configuration-parameter Delete a Provider configuration parameter
get-provider-configuration-parameter Get a Provider configuration parameter
list-provider-configuration-parameters List Provider configuration parameters for specific provider configurations
update-provider-configuration-parameter Update a Provider configuration parameter
create-role Create a Role
delete-role Delete a Role
get-role Get a Role
get-roles List Roles
update-role Update a Role
cancel-run Cancel a Run
confirm-run Apply a Run
create-run Create a Run
discard-run Discard a Run
download-policy-input Download a Policy Input
get-run Get a Run
get-runs List Runs
get-runs-queue List Runs Queue
Run Trigger:
create-run-trigger Create a Run Trigger.
delete-run-trigger Delete a Run Trigger
get-run-trigger Get a Run Trigger
Service Account:
create-service-account Create a Service Account
delete-service-account Delete a Service Account
get-service-account Get a Service Account
get-service-accounts List Service Accounts
update-service-account Update a Service Account
State Version:
get-current-state-version Get Workspace's Current State Version
get-state-version Get a State Version
get-state-version-download Download State Version
list-state-versions List Workspace's State Versions
create-tag Create a Tag
delete-tag Delete a Tag
get-tag Get a Tag
list-tags List Tags
update-tag Update a Tag
create-team Create a Team
delete-team Delete a Team
get-team Get a Team
get-teams List Teams
update-team Update a Team
Usage Statistic:
list-usage-statistics List Scalr Usage Statistics
create-user Create a User
delete-user Delete a User
get-account-users List Account to User relationships
get-user Get a User
get-users List Users
invite-user-to-account Invite a User to the Account
remove-user-from-account Remove a User from the Account
update-user Update a User
create-variable Create a Variable
delete-variable Delete a Variable
get-variable Get a Variable
get-variables List Variables
update-variable Update a Variable
Vcs Provider:
create-vcs-provider Create a VCS Provider
delete-vcs-provider Delete a VCS Provider
get-vcs-provider Get a VCS Provider
list-vcs-providers List VCS Providers
update-vcs-provider Update a VCS Provider
create-webhook Create Webhook
delete-webhook Delete a Webhook
get-webhook Get a Webhook
list-webhooks List Webhooks
update-webhook Update Webhook
add-remote-state-consumers Add remote state consumers
add-workspace-tags Add tags to the workspace
create-workspace Create a Workspace
delete-remote-state-consumers Delete remote state consumers
delete-workspace Delete a Workspace
delete-workspace-tags Delete workspace's tags
get-workspace Get a Workspace
get-workspaces List Workspaces
list-remote-state-consumers List remote state consumers
list-workspace-tags List workspace's tags
lock-workspace Lock a Workspace
replace-remote-state-consumers Replace remote state consumers
replace-workspace-tags Replace workspace's tags
resync-workspace Resync a Workspace
set-schedule Set scheduled runs for the workspace
unlock-workspace Unlock a Workspace
update-workspace Update a Workspace