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What we are going to do:

  • today: introduction to end-to-end (e2e) testing with playwright
    • set up playwright and cucumber
    • write test using gherkin syntax
    • implement step definition using playwright
    • using test generator
    • check api responses in the e2e test for more confidence
    • run test in different browsers
    • configuration
    • debug tests
    • tracing
  • next time: get familiar with e2e tests in

Precondition: node.js must be installed


1. Setup

  • set up playwright

    • npm i -D @playwright/test playwright
  • set up cucumber

    • npm i -D @cucumber/cucumber@7.3.1 @cucumber/pretty-formatter
  • after that check your package.json, it should contain:

     "devDependencies": {
       "@cucumber/cucumber": "^7.3.1",
       "@cucumber/pretty-formatter": "^1.0.0",
       "@playwright/test": "^1.27.1",
       "playwright": "^1.27.1"

2. Create config file conf.js

Copy & paste following content into the file conf.js

const { Before, BeforeAll, AfterAll, After, setDefaultTimeout } = require("@cucumber/cucumber");
const { chromium } = require("playwright"); 

setDefaultTimeout(60000) // cucumber limitation

// launch the browser
BeforeAll(async function () {
   global.browser = await chromium.launch({
       headless: false,


// close the browser
AfterAll(async function () {
   await global.browser.close();

// Create a new browser context and page per scenario
Before(async function () {
   global.context = await global.browser.newContext(); = await global.context.newPage();

// Cleanup after each scenario
After(async function () {
   await global.context.close();

3. Create script in package.json

Copy & paste the following string into the scripts section of your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "test:e2e": "cucumber-js --require conf.js --require tests/stepDefinition/*.js --format @cucumber/pretty-formatter"

You can run all defined scripts with npm by their keys from within the context of your project later on.

4. Create feature file

  • Create an empty file tests/feature/login.feature
  • Gherkin reference:
  • Copy & paste the following content
     Feature: Login
       Logging in and stuff...
       Scenario: log in
         To fill out: try to write a step which logs in user "marie" with password "radioactivity"
  • Try to fill out the missing line in Gherkin :-)

5. Create context file for step definitions

  • Create an empty file tests/stepDefinition/context.js
  • Copy and paste the following content
     const {When} = require('@cucumber/cucumber')
     const {expect} = require('@playwright/test')
     const url = ''

6. Run test with the test:e2e script

  • run command npm run test:e2e tests/feature/login.feature in your terminal

  • result should be similar to:

     1) Scenario: log in # tests/feature/login.feature:5
    	✔ Before # conf.js:23
    	? When ... (whatever you defined as step in the feature file)
        Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

7. Creating a step definition (playwright)

  • Copy & paste the proposed step definition from the terminal output (see 6.) to tests/stepDefinition/context.js
  • Start implementation of the step as follows:
    • replace function with async function
    • delete return 'pending' line
    • add await page.goto(url) to visit oCIS instance (redirects to login page)

8. Run test again

  • if you use localhost oCIS and have error: page.goto: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID at https://localhost:9200/, ignore certificate warning via additional conf.js line: global.context = await global.browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });
  • expected: test passed :-D

9. Use test generator

  • in terminal: npx playwright codegen
  • you can copy paste generated code from Playwright Inspector window to context.js
  • run test. Expected: test passed :-D

Go to the main room please!

10. Run test in different browsers

  • instead of chromium in conf.js use webkit or firefox
  • Playwright launches safari even if you use linux or windows :-)

11. Configuration

  • in conf.js
    • change headless: true to not show the browser
    • add slowMo: 2000 each step of the test will be slower by 2000ms

12. Debugging and tracing

  • tracing:
    • Set the trace path dir in conf:
     global.browser = await chromium.launch({
         headless: false,
         tracesDir: 'tests/trace' 
    • in section Before in conf.js after browser.newContext(), start tracing await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true, sources: true})
    • in section After in conf.js before await, finalize tracing await context.tracing.stop({ path: 'tests/trace/' });
    • run test again
    • open and select zip file from tests/trace/
    • tracing provide a rich information. You can swich between network console source

Screenshot 2022-11-17 at 12 25 49

  • debug:
    • Turn on the browser again: headless: false
    • put await page.pause() to context.js after await page.goto(url) and run test
    • you should see Playwright inspector. you can go through all the steps of the test


- We finish our first introduction to e2e testing with playwright
- The next step will be a deeper dive to testing from the web repo and give an overview over existing steps (reusable)

Go to the main room please!

Bonus: Create new test


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