IN principio creauit deus celum et terra[m]. Terra autem erat inanis [et] vacua. [et] tenebrae era[n]t sup[er] faciem abissi. et sp[irit]us d[omi]ni ferebat[ur] sup[er] aq[ua]s.
In dem anfang hat got beschaffen himel vn[d] erden aber die erde was eytel und lere vnd die finsternus ware[n] auf de[m] antlitz des abgru[n]ds vnd der gaist des herre[n] swebet oder ward getrage[n] ob den wassern.
In the beginning God created heaven and earth. And the earth was void and empty. And darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved over the waters.
Moyses diuinus [propheta] at[que] historic[us]. q[ui] fere troianu[m] bellu[m] septinge[n]tis a[n]nis antecessit edocet. quo[m] de[us] machinator constitutor[que] re[rum]. cu[m] hoc op[us] adoriretur: fecit p[ri]mu[m] o[mn]i[u]m celu[m]: et i[n] s[u]blime suspe[n]dit: q[uo]d e[ss]et sedes ipsi[us] dei [con]ditoris: deinde terra[m] fundavit: ac celo s[u]bdidit.
Moyses der gottlich prophet vnd geschicht beschreiber der schier .vijc. iar vor dem Troyanische[n] krieg gewesen ist leret wie got der macher vnd ordner der dinge als er diss werck fürname zu allererst de[n] himel zeseyn einen stul desselbe[n] gottes des schöpffers gemacht vnd in die höhe auffgehenkt vn[d] dar nach die erde[n] gestifftet vnd de[n] himel vnderworffe[n] hat.
Moses, the divine prophet and historian, who lived almost 700 years before the Trojan War, teaches that when God, the Creator and Ordainer of all things, was about to undertake this work, he first made of heaven a throne for himself as Creator, and raised it on high; and thereafter he established the earth and subordinated it to heaven.
Tenebras aut[em] co[n]stituit i[n] terra.
Nihil e[ni]m p[er]se [con]tinet lumi[ni]s: nisi accipiat a celo.
Aber die finsternüssen hat er gesetzt in der erden dan[n] sie begreüft durch sich selbs nichtzit des liechts sie ne[m]me es dan[n] vo[n] himel.
He invested the earth with darkness, and it is without light except as it derives light from the heavens;
In q[uo] posuit luce[m] p[er]enne[m]: [et] superos [et] vita[m] p[er]petuam.
Et [con][tumacia] in terra tenebras [et] inferos [et] morte[m].
In dez hat er gesetzt das ewig liecht vn[d] die obern gaist und das ewig lebe[n]. vnd hinwiderümb in der erden die finsternüs vnd die vndern gaist und de[n] tod.
for there he placed the eternal light, the celestial spirits, and the eternal life; but to the earth he assigned darkness, the mundane spirits, and death.
Moyses v[erb]o cu[m] deu[m] creasse [con]memorat tres errores Platonis .s[cilicet]. Arestotilis [et] epicuri elidit.
Plato e[ni]m ab eterno deu[m] ydeas ylen.
Et in p[ri]ncipio de yle mu[n]du[m] fuisse factu[m] testa[tur].
Aber in dem das Moyses spricht das got beschaffen hab so stelt er damit aber drey irru[n]g Platonis Arestotilis vn[d] Epicuris. dan[n] Plato hielt das got vnd die vorpildnus oder gestaltnus seiner geschöpff vn[d] yle von ewigkeit gewessen vnd im anfang die werlt vo[n] de[m] selbe[n] yle gemacht worde[n] wer.
When Moses states that God created, etc, he abrogates the errors of Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus; for Plato held that God and the creatures in his image, and Yle, have existed for all time, and that in the beginning the world was made of this same Yle.
ylen greci p[ri]ma[m] materia[m] re[rum] no[n] formatam appella[n]t.
Qua visibilia hec eleme[n]ta formata sunt. q[uae] q[ui]da[m] [con]cordia [con]ueniu[n]t.
A[li]u[n]t[que] ceteri de materia [et] forma: aut de athomis factis fuisse:
Die krieche[n] spreche[n] yle sey die erst ungeformt materi aus der :alle ding geschöpfft: vnd diese sichtpere eleme[n]t die sich mit etlicher eintrechtigleit einander vergleiche[n] geformt. oder (als die anderen spreche[n]) von d[er] materi vn[d] form. oder vo[n] de[m] aller dynnisten staub in der sunnen glantz erscheinende gemacht seye[n].
The Greeks say that Yle was the first shapeless mass out of which all things were created, and that these visible things were formed of elements that were in harmony with each other; or (as others say) of matter and form, or were made of the finest dust that sparkles in the sunlight.
de[us] t[ame]n mu[n]du[m] sine p[re]iace[n]ti [et] p[re]p[er]ata materia creavit: cu[m] prude[n]tissim[us] esset ad excogita[n]du[m]: [et] ad facie[n]du[m] solertissimus ante[que]m ordiret[ur] hoc opus mu[n]di. quam pleni [et] [con]summati boni fons i[n] ip[s]o erat: vt ab eo bono tam[que]m riu[us] ordieret[ur].
Aber got hat die werlt on ainiche vorligende vnd vorberaite materi beschaffen. dan er was zu ertrachten der alleklügst vnd zemachen d[er] allersinnreichst ee dan[n] er das werck der werlt fürname wan[n] in im was dar brunn des volku[m]me[n] vn[d] volbrachte[n] guts das vo[n] de[n] selle[n] gůt als ein pach entsprünge.
But God created the world without available or previously prepared material; for he is to be regarded as having been a most wise and Intelligent maker before he undertook the Creation, and as a fountain of perfect and accomplished goodness, that springs from graciousness like a brook.
Angelos i[n] p[ri]ncipio o[mn]i[u]m creatura[rum] p[ri]mordiales fecit. [et] ex eo q[uo]d n[] e[st]: q[uorum] p[er] eternitate[m] fort[is] e[st]: p[er] fortitudine[m] p[o]t[est]at[is] i[n]mense: q[uam] fine ac mo[do] caret: sic[ut] vita facturis.
Er hat in anfa[n]g die engel. aller creatur die erste[n] gemacht vn[d] auß de[n] das nicht ist. dan[n] er ist durch die ewigkeit starck. vn[d] durch die stercke vnermeßner machtigkeit. die des ends vn[d] der maß mangelt. als das lebe[n] des Schöpffers.
Of all beings he first created the angels, and these out of nothing; for by reason of his immortality he is strong, and by virtue of his strength his power is infinite and without end, as is also his life.
Quid ergo miru[m] si facturus mu[n]du[m]: p[ri]us materia[m] de q[ua] faceret p[re]p[er]avit: ex eo q[uo]d no[n] erat.
Q[uo]d intellexeru[n]t forte [et] saraceni dicentes.
Eductos a[n]gelos a deo de tenebris ad luce[m]: ad i[n]pletosq[ue] eterna leticia.
In q[ui]busda[m] t[a]m[en] indolis diui[n]e stirpis no[n] perma[n]sit.
Auctore[m] hui[us] rei ex bono p[er] se malu[m] effectu[m] greci diabolu[m] appelant: nos crimi[n]atore[m] vocam[us].
Darümb was wunders ist das. ob der. der die werlt mache[n] wolt vorhin ein materi daraus er machet. fürberaittet auß dem das nit was. das haben villeicht auch die Saraceni verstanden. die spreche[n] das die engel vo[n] got aus de[n] finsternusse[n] zu[m] liecht gefürt vn[d] mit ewiger frewd erfült seine[n] doch ist in etliche[n] die einpildung göttliches sta[m]mens nit blibe[n]. sunder sie sind aus aigner verkerung vo[m] gůtten zum ubel getretten vn[d] zu teüfeln worde[n].
Therefore, why wonder whether he who undertook to create the world, first provided himself with material from that which was not. This was probably also understood by the Saracens, who say that the angels were brought by God from the darkness into the light, and filled with eternal joy; but some of them did not retain the conception of their divine origin, and through their own errors deserted good for evil, and became devils.
Terra erat i[n]anis (vt tra[n]stulit diu[us] Hiero. v[el] vt septinge[n]ta) inuisibil[e] [et] i[n]co[m]posita:
Qua[m] p[ro] sui [con]fusio[n]e abyssum vocat: qua[m] [et] greci chaos dicu[n]t.
Abyssum vocat terra[m] .i[d est]. materia[m] trino dime[n]su i[n] altissimas profunditates extensam:
Die erde was eytel. das ist (als Ieronimus ode[r] die .lxx. auslege[r]) vnsyhtperlich un[d] vnzesamen gefügt. die er vo[n] irer zestrewlichkeit wege[n] eine[n] abgrund ne[n]net. vn[d] die die kriechische[n] chaos haisse[n] eine[n] abgrund. heist er die erden. das ist ein materi mit driueltiger ermessung in die allerhohste[n] tieff ausgepraittet.
The earth was void, that is, (as Jerome and the Seventy [...] interpret it) invisible and chaotic, and because of its chaotic condition it was called an abyss; and this the Greeks called chaos, which consists of a material of three dimensions scattered about in the great deep.
de hoc etia[m] Ouidi[us] meminit.
Ante mare [et] terras [et] q[uo]d tegit o[mn]ia celu[m]. Un[us] erat toto nature vult[us] in orbe. Que[m] dixere chaos rudis indigestaq[ue] moles. Nec q[ui]cq[uam] nisi po[n]dus iners: [con]gestaq[ue] eode[m]. No[n] bene iu[n]ctaru[m] discordia femina reru[m]. Nullus ad huc mu[n]do p[re]bebat lumina titan.
Et sp[irit]us d[omi]ni: organu[m] diuine artis ferebat[ur] sup[er] aquas: ut volu[n]tas architecti cu[m] cuncta ad faciendu[m] disponit.
Cu[m] p[er]fecta sint opera dei.
Creatio re[rum] senario numero explicatur.
Cuius partes. unu[m]: duo: tria sunt. que in trigonu[m] surga[n]t.
Da von auch Ouidius der poet in seine[m] gedicht gar schön meldung thüt. vnd der gaist des herre[n] ein werckzewg gotlicher ku[n]st swebet ob de[n] wassern: als d[er] wil eins pawherre[n] so er yde ding zemache[n] verordent. so die werck gottes volkomme[n] sind. so wirdt die beschöpffu[n]g d[er] ding außgedrückt in sechser zall. des teill sind. ains zway drey.
Ovid, the poet, gives elegant expression to this in his poems. And the Spirit of the Lord, an instrument of divine art, moved over the waters like the will of a master-builder, who orders all things done; and so the work is of divine perfection and is expressed in the figure six, whose component parts are 1, 2, and 3.
In primo creatione[m].
Nwn zaygt Moyses durch die werck d[er] sechs tag nemlich in de[m] ersten die beschöpfung.
Moses in his account of the six days devotes the first to the creation,
In secundo [et] tercio dispositione[m].
In reliquis ornatum Moyses per opera sex die[rum] ostendit.
In dem andern vnd dritten die ordnung oder schickung. vnd in den andern die zierung.
the second and third to the order and disposition, and the remaining days to the adornment of the world.