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The Nuremberg Chronicle 1493: Transcriptions

„ […] The Nuremberg Chronicle […] is one of the most important and most beautiful books of the incunabula era. Both the Latin version […] and the German version […] were printed in the offices of Anton Koberger who owned one of Europe's largest printing houses of the period. […] Following medieval traditions, the author divides the history of mankind into seven ages: the first age extended from the creation to the deluge; the second from the deluge to the birth of Abraham, the third to the kingdom of David; the fourth covered the period […] to the Babylonian Captivity; the fifth to the birth of Christ; the sixth […] from the birth of Christ to the present; and the seventh dealt with the arrival of the Antichrist and the Last Judgment.", (Bernstein, 2002, p. 1422).

Annotated transcriptions from the Nuremberg Chronicle, fol. 1r to VIIr (Tab. 1), in Latin, Fol_1r_Lat-Fol_7r_Lat (Schedel, 1493), Early New High German, ENHG, Fol_1r_ENHG-Fol_7r_ENHG (Schedel & Alt, 1493, 1496, res.) and from the English translation by Hadawas (2023) in comparison, Fol_1r_cmp-Fol_7r_cmp.
Where the division of the paragraphs P in the comparative presentations is based on the ENHG version.

Table 1. Headings and contents of fol. 1 to fol. VII (Schedel, 1493).

page			content

Foliu[m] 1	recto	Epitoma operu[m] sex dieru[m] de mu[n]di fabrica Prologus
Folium   II	recto	"
		verso	De opere prime diei.
Foliu[m] III	recto	De opere secunde diei.
		verso	De opere tercie diei.
Foliu[m] IIII	recto	De opere quarte diei.
		verso	De opere quinte diei.
Foliu[m] V	recto	De opere sexte diei.
		verso	De sanctificatione septime diei
Foliu[m] VI	recto	Queda[m] circa spera[m] planetaru[m] et orbiu[m] declara[n]da.
		verso	Prima etas mundi
Folium   VII	recto	Etas prima mundi

Primarily influenced by Conrad Celtis (1459-1476), Martin Behaim (1459-1507), Johannes Müller (Regiomontanus, 1436-1476) and Johannes Werner (1468-1522), is the text mainly based on the Supplementum Chronicarum by Foresti (1492):

„ […] collectors of incunabula have often been attracted by the magnificent illustrations […] Brought to the general attention of English collectors in 1724 by Thomas Hearne […] ", (Cushing Duniway, 1941, p. 17).

In this context see also Haitz (1899), Schnieper (1950), Sladeczek (1965), Rücker (1988) or Green (2003), facsimile and translations are given by Schedel (2010), Zellmann-Roher & Hadavas (2011a, b, 2012a, b, res.); for a (full) raw transcripton of the ENHG text see Wikisource contributors (2024).

On the interpretation of Latin abbreviations see e.g. Martin (1910), Lindsay (1915) or Cappelli (1928). For ENHG dictionaries see Goebel et al. (1989).


Bernstein, E. (2002). Review. Renaissance Quarterly 55 (4): 1422–24.

Cappelli, A. (1928). Lexicon Abbreviaturarum: Wörterbuch lateinischer und italienscher Abkürzungen. 2nd ed. Leipzig: Verlagsbuchhandlung von J. J. Weber.

Cushing Duniway, D. (1941). A Study of the Nuremberg Chronicle. The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 35 (1): 17–34.

Foresti, G. F. (1492). Supplementum Chronicarum. Novariensis: Bernardinus Rizus.

Goebel, U., Lobenstein-Reichmann, A., & Reichmann, O. (1989). Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch, 12 Volumes. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

Green, J. P. (2003). The Nuremberg Chronicle and Its Readers: The Reception of Hartmann Schedel’s Liber Cronicarum. Illinois: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hadavas, K. (2023). First English edition of the Nuremberg chronicle : being the Liber chronicarum of Dr. Hartmann Schedel. Edited by Hadavas, K. UW–Madison TEI edition. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin–Madison Libraries.

Haitz, M. (1899). Hartmann Schedel’s Weltchronik. München: Lüneburg.

Lindsay, W. M. (1915). Notae Latinae: An Account of Abbreviation in Latin Mss. Of the Early Minuscule Period (c. 700-850). Cambridge: at the University Press.

Martin, C. T. (1910). The Record Interpreter : A Collection of Abbreviations, Latin Words and Names Used in English Historical Manuscripts and Records. 2nd ed. London: Stevens and sons, limited.

Rücker, E. (1988). Hartmann Schedels Weltchronik: das grösste Buchunternehmen der Dürer-Zeit : mit einem Katalog der Städteansichten. München: Prestel.

Schedel, H. (1493). Liber chronicarum cum figuris et ymagibus ab inicio mundi. Nuremberge: Antonius Koberger.

———. (2010). Liber Chronicarum Reference Edition. Facsimile. Boston, MA: Selim S. Nahas Press.

Schedel, H., & Alt, G. (tr.). (1493). Buch der Chroniken und geschichten mit figure und pildnüssen von anbegin der welt bis auf diese unsere Zeit. Nuremberge: Antonius Koberger.

———. (1496). Das buch Der croniken unnd geschichten mit figuren und pildnussen von Anbeginn der welt bis auff diese unsere Zeyt. Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger.

Schnieper, X. (1950). Die Schedelsche Weltchronik: eine Einführung und Würdigung. In Mitteilungsblatt Der Schweizerischen Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft, 7:84–104. 3-4. Basel: Schweizerische Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft.

Sladeczek, L. (1965). Albrecht Dürer und die Illustrationen zur Schedelchronik. 1st ed. Vol. 342. Studien Zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Baden-Baden/Strasbourg: Verlag Heitz GmbH.

Wikisource contributors. (2024). Schedelsche Weltchronik. Retrieved 2024 from

Zellmann-Roher, M., & Hadavas, C. (2011a). Liber Chronicarum Translation. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Boston, MA: Selim S. Nahas Press.

———. (2011b). Liber Chronicarum Translation. 1st ed. Vol. 2. Boston, MA: Selim S. Nahas Press.

———. (2012a). Liber Chronicarum Translation. 1st ed. Vol. 3. Boston, MA: Selim S. Nahas Press.

———. (2012b). Liber Chronicarum Translation. 1st ed. Vol. 4. Boston, MA: Selim S. Nahas Press.