SEcundo die dixit deus.
Am[m] andern tag sprach got.
On the second day God said,
Fiat firmamentum in medio aquaru[m]: et diuidat aquas ab aquis: vocauitq[ue] firmamentum celum.
Es werde das firmament in de[n] mittel d[er] wasser: vn[d] taile die wasser vo[n] wassern vn[d] er hies das frimament de[n] himel.
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters; and he called the firmament Heaven.
Prophetam de celestibus misterijs loquentem audiamus.
Fecit e[ni]m deus firmamentum rotundum mobile cetera sensibilia continens.
Et ex aquis congelatis in modu[m] cristalli solidauid: et in eo fixa sidera.
Got hat das firmament gescheibelt. beweglich. andere empfintliche dig begreiffende gemacht. vn[d] aus zesammen geru[n]ne[n] wassern in gestalt des cristals befestigt. vn[d] dar inn das angeheft gestirne.
God divided the firmament and made it movable; and he made other sensitive things comprehensible. And the waters that ran together he fixed in the nature of crystals, and he fastened the stars to them.
Spera aut[em] celi cu[m] sideribus in ea fixis duib[us] axis voluit[ur].
Quo[rum] alter septe[m]trionalis boreas:
Alter australis nothus dictus voluit[ur] ab orie[n]te in occidente[m] ta[n]ta celeritate: vt nisi planete contra cursum eam tardarent mundi ruinam faceret.
Et artifex mundi: celi naturam aquis temperauit ne conflagrat[i]one ignis superioris: elementa inferiora succenderet.
Nw wird die spera des himels mit de[n] dar inn angehefften gestirne in zwaie[n] axen (der eine die mitternachtlich vn[d] die ander die mittaglich haißt( vo[m] auffgang in de[n] nidergang mit sölcher schnellikeit umbgeweltzt. das sye die werlt zerpreche wo die planeten mit ire[n] gege[n]lawff sie nit verhinderte[n]. vn[d] d[er] werckmeister d[er] werlt hat die natur des himels mit wassern gemessigt das sie mit d[er] hitz des obern feürs die undern eleme[n]t nit anzündete.
Now the sphere of the heavens, with its fixed stars, is provided with two pivots, one of which is called the north, and the other the south pole, and is revolved from east to west with such speed that the world would be torn asunder if the planets in their counter-courses would not prevent it. The master-craftsman of the world so tempered the heavens with water that the heat of the upper regions cannot ignite the other elements.
Supra nouem celorum orbes id est septem planetas: [et] speram octauam quam vocant inerrantem nonumq[ue] orbem qui ratione non sensu dep[re]hensus est: primusq[ue] est inter corpora que mouentur: creditum est decimum celum fixum manens [et] quietum: quod motu nullo participet.
Neque hoc tantum creditum a nostris: maxime iunioribus Strabo [et] Beda: s[ecundum] a pluribus etiam hebreorum: pretereaq[ue] a philosophis [et] mathematicis quibusdam:
E[st] quibus satis duos sit attulisse: Abraam hispanum astrologum maximu[m] [et] ysaac philosophu[m]: quo[rum] vterq[ue] hoc attestat[ur]: quin [et] hic ysaac decimu[m] orbem ab Ezechiele designatum intelligit per zaphiru[m] in similitudine[m] throni:
Etlich lerer nit allein auß den unsern sunder auch auß den hebreyschen vn[d] andern haben geglawbt das uber die speras d[er] sibe[n] planete[n]. vn[d] uber die achte[n] spera[m]. die sie die unirrende[n] nenne[n]. vn[d] auch uber die newnten speram. die mit vernunft vn[d] nit mit entpfindung erraicht werde[n]. vn[d] die erst undter den beweglichen leiplichen dingen ist noch d[er] zehend unbeweglich bleibend vn[d] gerüig himel sey. in massen dem Isaac d[er] weise einer aus d[er] bemelte[n] lerrern helt. das sölcher zehend himel von Ezechiele durch den zaphir in gleichnus eines throns bezeichend sey.
Some teachers, not only of our own time, but also among the Hebrews and others, believed that above the spheres of the seven planets, and above the eighth sphere, which they call the unerring one, and also over the ninth sphere, which is reached by reason alone and not by perception (and which is the first among movable corporeal things) is a tenth sphere, that is stationery and at rest. Consequently Isaac the Wise, one of the learned men already mentioned, holds that the tenth heaven was identified by Ezekiel through the zaphirum, in the similitude of a throne;
vt color zaphiri lucis nitorem: throni similitudo immobilitatem significet.
Also das die farb des zaphirs den glantz des liechts vnd die gleichnus des throns die unbeweglichkeit bedewtten solt.
and that the color of the zaphirum, the brilliance of the light and the likeness of a throne, indicated immobility.
Sed redeamus ad Moysem diuidentem aqua[m] ab aquis medio firmame[n]to.
Triplex e[ni]m partitio corpo[rum] sublunariu[m].
Aber widerzekomen auff den moysen. der das wasser von wassern teilet so ist dreyerlay teylung der leyplichen ding under de[m] mo[n]d.
But to return to Moses, who separated the waters from the waters, resulting in a triple division of corporeal things under the moon!
Alia sup[ra] mediam regionem aeris sunt: suprema .s[ilicet]. pars eiusdem elementi [et] purissimus ignis quod totum etheris nomine designatur ibi pura immixta [et] legitima eleme[n]ta.
Etlich sind ob d[er] mitteln gege[n]t des lufts. als d[er] oberst teil desselbe[n] elements. vn[d] das allerlewterst feüers. vn[d] das selbst lawtere unvermischte vnd rechte element.
Some are in the middle region of the air as the uppermost part of the same element, as the brightest fire, and in itself a pure unmixed and proper element.
Alia infra ip[s]am aeris meditulliu[m]: que apud nos sunt vbi elementum purum nullum (neq[ue] e[ni]m purum elementum sensibile) sed mixta omnia ex feculenta crassioreq[ue] parte mundani corporis consta[n]t.
Intercedens regio aeris que etiam dicitur firmame[n]tum. vnde [et] aues sub firmamento celi ab eo volantes introducuntur: ea est regio in qua sublimes ille impressiones apparent: pluuie: niues: fulgura: fulmina: tonitrua comete [et] cetera id genus.
Recte igitur no[n] solum situ: sed [et] nature p[ro]prietate hoc firmamentum superiora elementa ab inferioribus: quasi aquas ab aquis discriminat [et] distinguit.
Sup[ra] eum pura sunt elementa: infra eam perfecta mixtione ab elementali simplicitate discedunt.
Uocauitq[ue] firmame[n]tum celum: cum tegat omnia sensibilia [et] inuisibilia quod a koylon quod est concauu[m] deducu[n]t.
So sind ettliche under der mitteln fürscheinenden stat des lufts. als bey uns. da dan[n] kein lawters element ist. sunder alle element vo[n] faystikeit wege[n] des werltlichen leibs gemischt sind. dazwischen ist ein gegend des lufts auch das firmament genannt. dar inn regen. schne. plitzen. tornersleg. cometen vnd der gleichen erscheiynen. darümb gar recht underschaydet diss firmament. nit allain d[er] gelegenheit sunder auch der aygenschafft halben d[er] natur die obern eleme[n]t vo[n] den undern. als die wasser vo[n] de[n] wassern. darob sind die eleme[n]t pür vnd lawter. aber darunder in volkomner vermischu[n]g vo[n] eleme[n]tischer slechtigkeit obgesünderet. vn[d] er hat das firmament himel geheissen. dan[n] der bedeckt alle empfintliche vnd unsichtpere ding.
Others are under the mid-regions of the air, as with us, where there is no pure element, but all elements are mixed, due to the density of the corporeal world. In between is a region of the air, also called the firmament, in which rain, snow, lightning, thunder, comets and the like appear. Therefore this firmament is very fitly distinguished, not alone because of its location, but because of its nature as well—the upper elements from the lower, as the water from the waters. Therefore the upper elements are pure and bright and separated from those below, which are mixed. And he called the firmament Heaven for it covered all susceptible and unseen things.