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Fol./Blat IIIIv


De opera quinte diei.

Vom werck des funffte[n] tags


P 1

QUinto die dixit deus: producant aque reptile anime viuentis. [et] volatile super terra[m] sub firmamento celi.
Cerauitq[ue] de[us] cete grandia: [et] omnem animam viuentem atq[ue] motabilem quas produxera[n]t aque in species suas. [et] om[n]e volatile sec[un]d[u]m genus suum.
Uide[n]s quod esset bonum benedixit eis dicens.

Am[m] fünfften tag hot got gesproche[n]. die wasser sollen bringe[n] krieche[n]des ding lebendiger sele vn[d] geflügel auff die erden under de[m] firmame[n]t des himels. vnd got hat beschaffen groß walfische. vn[d] alle lebendige vnd bewegliche sele. die sye wasser brachten in ihrer gestalt. vnd alles geflügel nach seine[m] geschlecht. vn[d] got sahe das es gůt was. vnd hat die gesegnet sprechende.

On the fifth day God said, Let the waters bring forth creeping things with living souls, and fowl upon the earth under the firmament of heaven. And God created great whales and every living thing and moving creatures, which the waters brought forth, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying,

P 2

Crescite [et] multiplicamini [et] replete aquas maris: auesq[ue] multiplicentur super terram.
Ornauit igitur eo die deus aerem [et] aquam: volatilia dans aeri: natalilia aquis: q[uae] reptilia dicuntur: cum impetu quodam se rapiunt.

Ir söllet wachssen vn[d] gefilfeltigt werde[n] vn[d] erfüllen die wasser des meers. vn[d] die fogel vilfeltigend sich ob dem ertraich. darümb hat got an disem tag den lufft vn[d] das wasser gezieret. den luft mit de[m] geflügel. vn[d] die wasser mit den schwimme[n]de[n] dinge[n].

You shall grow and multiply and fill the waters in the seas; and let fowl multiply on the earth. And so on this day God adorned the air and the water, the air with fowl and the water with swimming creatures;

P 3

Cete enim grandia [et] belluas: maioraq[ue] terrestribus animalibus ex habunda[n]tia humoris [et] mo[n]strifica in mari reperiuntur.
Et quicquid in vlla parte nature nascitur: [et] in mari esse vulgi opinio fert.
Manifesta iam que sequuntur de animalium productione: post plantas enim ea sunt mixta que sentiunt [et] mouentur: quamq[uoniam] [et] in plantis stupidum sensum adscribant pitagorici. Hec aut[em] animantia que citra omnem controuersiam motu sensuq[ue] participant: [et] hic a Moyse: [et] in Timeo in volatilia: [et] in aquis dege[n]tia: [et] terrestria distinguu[n]tur.
Ueniamus igitur ad Moysem qui postq[uoniam] de celestibus dixit terrestrium animaliu[m] meminit ordine co[n]gruenti: que vel aquas vel terram vel aerem inhabitant.
Si tamen inhabitare aerem volucres dici possunt.
Relinquamus hic disputationem: quo pacto corpora animalium ex elementis: aut quid sint indite a deo naturis reru[m] seminarie rationes: sit ne item vita brutoru[m] de finu educata materie: an diuino potius principio om[n]is vita proueniat: vt co[n]stantissime asserit Plotinus: cui sententie fortasse videbit[ur] hoc loco p[ro]pheta suffragari.
Cu[m] postq[uoniam] dixit: producant aque reptile anime viuentis: adiecit postea creauit deus omne anima[m] viuente[m]: vbi no[n] id du[m]taxat quispia[m] obserueret q[uia] [et] aq[ue] p[ro]duca[n]t deo iubente: [et] deinde etia[m] deus p[ro]ducat: ve[rum] [et] illud q[uo]d vbi de dei op[er]e agit[ur] scriptu[m] est:

Es werde[n] groß walfisch vnd wasser thier wunderlich vnd auß uberflüssigkeit irer feuchtigkeit grössere in dem mere gefunden. vn[d] was in einichem teil der natur geporn[n] wirt das ist auch [als man gemainlich helt] in dez meer. kund vn[d] offenbar sind die ding die vo[n] geberu[n]g d[er] thier hernach folge[n]. dan[n] noch den pflantze[n] sind geselte ding die in bewegnus vn[d] empfingtlichkeit gemainsame[n] wie wol die pitagorici den pflantze[n] ein unbrüfende empfindlichkeit zuschreyben. vn[d] die selben geseleten ding werden die von moyse. vnd in Thimeo in dreyerley getailt. als in dez lufft in wassern vn[d] vnd auff der erden wonende. ob man anders sprechen mag das das geflügel im luft wone. wir wollen vermeiden die disputation[n]. in was gestat die lieb der thier aus den elementen oder wie die besamunge[n] den naturen d[er] ding vo[n] got eingepflantzt seien. oder ob das lebe[n] d[er] unvernunfftigen thier vo[n] der materi. oder ob alles lebe[n] vo[n] gotlichem anfang her kome. als plotinus gar festigklich helt. welcher mainung moyses an dem ort villeicht zufallende gesehen wirt. dan[n] nach de[m] er gesprochen hat. die wasser sollen kriechendes ding lebendiger sele bringe[n]. do setzt er darach hin zu. vn[d] got hat beschaffen alle lebe[n]dige sele[n]. do möcht ymand nit allein das halte[n]. das die wasser auß gottes geheyß geperen vnd das darnach auch got gepere. sunder auch das. das an dem ort do vo[n] de[m] werck gottes meldung geschiecht geschriben steet.

and there appeared great whales and wondrous aquatic animals, and through the overflow of the sea’s moisture greater ones were found. What is born in some divisions of nature, is also (as is generally held) to be found in the sea. Known and manifest are the things which follow when animals bear. And the plants also have certain things in common—movement and sensitiveness, ascribed to them by the Pythagoreans. The creatures are by Moses and Thimeo divided into three classes: those which live in the air, those in the water, and those on land. Though one may say that fowl do not live in the air, we will avoid this disputation, as well as the question as to the state in which the creatures were born of the elements; how God implanted fruitfulness in them; whether life was given to irrational animals out of matter; or whether all life had a divine origin, as Plotinus firmly holds; which doctrine is also to be found in Moses. For he states that the waters were to bring forth the creeping thing with living soul, and then adds that God made all living creatures. Therefore, one would not want to stand alone in the contention that the waters bore at God’s behest, and that thereafter God bore also. Furthermore, in the passage where God’s pronouncements are recorded, it is written that

P 4

creauit deus anima[m] viuente[m]. vbi aut[em] de aq[ui]s no[n] a[n]imam. s[ecundum] reptile a[n]i[m]e viuentis q[ua]si aquis vehiculu[m].
Inter animalis terre tria memorat Moyses q[uae] in seq[ue]nti die infinuat.
Plurima aut[em] [et] maxima in indico mare a[n]i[m]alia.
E[st] quibus balene quaternu[m] iuge[rum].
Et in mari bellue circasolstitia maxime visunt[ur].
Tu[n]c illic ruu[n]t turbines: tu[n]c imbres: tu[n]c deiecte mo[n]tiu[m] iugis p[ro]celle ab imo vertu[n]t maria. pulsatasq[ue] ex p[ro]fundo belluas cum fluctibus voluu[n]t. auiu[m] quoq[ue] gra[n]dissime [et] pene bestiarum generis strucio cameli affrici vel ethiopici altitudinem equitis infidentis equo excedunt: celeritatem vincunt.
Multo mirabilius de naturis auium [et] piscium ratio experiendi quotidie in varijs locis datur.

Got hat beschaffen ein lebendige sele. wo aber d[er] wasser gedacht wirt do steet das nit. die sele. sunder ein kriechendes lebentiger sele herfürgepracht werden sol. vn[d] wiewol moyses vo[n] dreyerlay thieren in d[er] erde[n] in de[n] nachfolgenden tag meldund thut so sind doch die allermaisten vn[d] größisten thier in dem meer der indier. vn[d] zuvor werden in dez meer grosse wu[n]der thier an dem ort do sich die sun[n] wendet: gesehen. vn[d] daselbst durch die großen wellen vo[n] den hohe[n] pergen in das mer fallende auß tieff des mers ubersich auff den menschen zugesicht getriben. vn[d] vil wunderperlicher ding von den naturen d[er] fogel vnd fisch an mancherlay enden teglich erfaren.

God created a living creature; but where the waters are spoken of, is not so stated, but it appears that a creeping thing is to be brought forth. Although Moses on the following day makes note of three kinds of living creatures in the earth, yet most and by far the largest animals are to be found in the Indian Ocean. Many wonderful creatures are to be seen in the region where the solstices occur and the great waves fall from the mountains into the sea and expose its wonders to man’s face. And much is to be learned there of the nature of both birds and fish.